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The 137s benefit a lot from some air time. The 134s I have had are great from the first drop.

Good to know. I have had mine for a few weeks. I enjoyed the first pour but haven't touched it since. I plan to hit it sometime this weekend.

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i donated it to the KBF cookout crew, i told smokinjoe to keep whats left. hopefully others got a chance to try it for themselves, as it did nothing for me.

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I would agree that some airtime does help with 137 but it's enjoyable from the point of opening:)
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Beg to differ. Have had only the 134 but I think it is quite sippable neat. Lots of dark chocolate, some licorice and citrus. I can't "drink" it but I can sip it and nose it and sip it and nose it and....Lovely stuff in my opinion.

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I'll go with another "beg to differ." The 137 is definitely a stout sip. NOT smooth like GTS. It carries a bite along with the proof. But it has it's place and I didn't figure that out till my second day visiting with it. First visit I only had small sips and found it a bit harsh. Second visit I had more than I should, and really found it to be great. This is a great one to pull out after ya been sipping others. Strong flavors along with the proof. I think 137 and I are going to be close friends this winter.

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the proof i didnt have an issue with. as others have pointed out, i likely dont have the taste for heavy woodiness. live and learn, at least i got to try it!

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just had a pour of the 134.2 with one ice cube and yup, still good. To me, Sweet fruity brown sugary on the tongue on the initial hit, oak after swallowing and lasts for 30 seconds or so. warms and coats the mouth.

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the proof i didnt have an issue with. as others have pointed out, i likely dont have the taste for heavy woodiness. live and learn, at least i got to try it!

Why don't you try Stagg Jr.? Sounds like it would be straight up your alley.

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Why don't you try Stagg Jr.? Sounds like it would be straight up your alley.

Straight, I get it.

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