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YMMV: Where to you veer off from the conventional wisdom?

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YMMV -- "Your mileage may vary". It's a common proviso on these boards, a nod to the fact that no two tonguefuls of tastebuds will be identical.

Still, don't you find it frustrating and doubt-inducing when you just can't like a bourbon/whiskey that others here rave about? Even if you find yourself in agreement 90% of the time, otherwise?

Along with many others here, I love (almost -- there's Cabin Still!) all things Stitzel-Weller, Wild Turkey 12yo, Jimmy Russell Tribute, AAA 10yo, Rittenhouse rye, Buffalo Trace, Stagg, et al.

But what's the big deal about Rare Breed, which shows way too much alcohol, to me, for its actual proof, or Very Old Barton, which strikes me little differently than Jim Beam White or current Old Taylor?

What's your 'poison' -- the whiskey everybody else loves for reasons you can't figure out?

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I think I veer off sanctioned opinion with Bulleit Frontier. But what perplexes me even more is hating a bourbon on the first try, then coming back to the same bottle some weeks (or months) later and picking up on tastes and complexities that I missed before. I sometimes attribute the later-in-time appreciation to a "bad" palate, i.e. eating something that tainted my taste buds, or allowing the bourbon to "air" a bit (even if in the bottle). I'm enjoying a double of Bulleit right now and am thoroughly enjoying it. Go figure. (?)

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I've made an effort to try to like it, but Baker's has just never hit the spot for me.

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Bulleit, it does nothing for me. I bought it because it looked impressive in that bottle, after a couple of tastes to make sure I wasn't just having a bad day, I polished it off in mixed drinks when crowds showed up. Tom V

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For me it's Blanton's. I've tried hard to like it. Heck, a departed member once said "Anyone who doesn't like Blanton's doesn't like bourbon." Of course he's the guy who didn't like S-W bourbon.

Nevertheless, I've found it impossible to ignore Blanton's or to refrain from discussing it. A search on "Blanton's" with user id "bluesbassdad" yields a large number of hits.

I may try it again in a few years, but right now I'd buy another back-up bottle of Rock Hill Farms or two bottles of Buffalo Trace (assuming I'm ever in civilization again) rather than Blanton's.

Oh, and I'd rather have a bottle of Rare Breed any day. For me RB has heather and floral notes that more than overcome the alcohol.

As you say, it's a strange business.

Yours truly,

Dave Morefield

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I don't care for Baker's either. To me it tastes like a slightly nore mature Beam White on steroids.

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Elijah Craig 18yo, while I've always considered, it a passable pour, I never really thought it to be a great one.

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PVW 20 for me. It's my tribute bottle because it cost me so darn much I would be hard pressed to replace it because of cost alone.

I "enjoy" it, but PVW 20 to me was not worth the money. I would buy 2 VW 15 or Lot B's any day for the same price. To me the younger bottles have much more flavor. I want to make it clear...I don't dislike it...I just don't see the flavor being worth the price.

The only Bourbon I disliked upon first taste was EC18. A few months passed before I revisited it, and the "dislike" was gone. I found the flavor interesting and enjoyable.

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AH Hirsch 16 gold foil......wasn't a fan of this at all when I tried it, haven't revisited it for a while, it may be time to do so soon....


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ERSB 10 yo. It just bores me to tears. I use it as an after-dinner drink about once/wk, but that's mostly to finish off the bottle. I likely won't buy another, even though I know there might be great variation from one single barrel bottle to another.

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...For me it's Blanton's. I've tried hard to like it...

I differ with you, Dave, only in that I don't try hard to like anything. Oh, I might try it again sometime -- and discover, for example, that the barrel-proof version is more enjoyable, as with this one -- but if I have to worry a bourbon to like it, I don't bother. There are too many other good ones out there.

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AH Hirsch 16 gold foil......wasn't a fan of this at all when I tried it, haven't revisited it for a while, it may be time to do so soon....


.......or send the bottle to the "yanks" to finish it off.

Joe :usflag:

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My choice here may come more from the price, rather than the product. But, I am not gaga for Rock Hill Farms. It has seemed rather pedestrian and thin to me.


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For me it is about all JB law rye recipe bourbons and Blanton’s. Blanton’s is also the only brand I have tasted that taste less good unfiltered than filtered for me. I am also a bit sensitive about to much water in some brands like for instance wheat recipe bourbons from Bernheim and SW.


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Along with many others here, I love (almost -- there's Cabin Still!) all things Stitzel-Weller
When was the last time you had Cabin Still. I recently went through four commemorative bottles from the '60s I got off eBay and wish I had a ton more. That stuff was incredible.
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Eagle Rare 17 year, I don't dislike it, but don't think it is worthy of being in the conversation with GTS, Handy and Larue... Or Saz18 for that matter.

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Going in the other direction, I was all prepared to be disappointed with Jim Beam Rye, only to find that I like it quite well.

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What a great topic! I can't really comment yet though as I've not had one of the high praised whiskeys on the forum that I haven't liked. Seems Blanton's is a popular one with this topic. I do have an unopened bottle to try.

There are several bourbons I also haven't tasted but quite eager to such as EC18, Rock Hill Farms, Pappy 15 or Lot B.

Why don't these distilleries make mini bottles more available? I would've tasted so many more that way.

But to at least attempt to add to the list of veering from conventional wisdom, I was not quite enthusiastic about my Michter's 10 y.o. Rye. It did seem to get better one it became half full.

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Great idea for a thread, Tim!

Although, at first I couldn´t for the life of me, come up with the goods! In accordance with my against-the-grain-nature, I found it much easier to recall all the stuff I like which seems to get the short shrift from many of the members here (MM, JB rye, TN whiskey in general etc).

Eventually, I managed to unearth my one and only bottle of Sazerac 18yo from the memory vaults.

I was sort of mentally predisposed to like this one, (Good reviews, BT:s pedigreee etc) so it took me half a bottle to eventually draw the conclusion that this wasn´t for me. I think I was partially misled by the admittedly delicious nose. On the palate, though, it was a frustrating affair. The whiskey just refused to go anywhere. Too old, was my final verdict. Love the younger version, though!

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I like JD single barrel and when out on the town I enjoy Jack and Coke. Jack Daniel's seems to get short shrift around here. My only complaint is their second and unforgivable drop in proof but that's another story.

I just don't like Manhattans made with rye. I know it is more traditional than bourbon but I'd rather sip my rye neat.

I like bourbon/rye an an accompaniment to a meal especially steak and the like. I seem to be in a pretty small minority on that one too.

Most people who like spirits/whiskey like beer. I don't. I've tried, really I have.

I don't particularly care for Old Forester. I especially didn't like the only Birthday Bourbon I had (blue label and neck tag). Can't recall the year.

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First and foremost, I don't especially care for many of the wheaters I've tried, recently. That said, it was a bottle of Old Fitzgerald that moved me from common bourbon to better bourbon when I was a freshman in college in 1969. At the time, I knew nothing about wheat vs. rye, though. I also had a wonderful pour of Pappy 20 in a bar, a few years ago. Since I don't have access to any good wheaters in my state's ABC stores, maybe it is just that I don't have much occasion to sample them.

I am another who cannot really enjoy Baker's. It seems dry and astringent, to me.

Bulleit was a total turn-off. The Wathen's of about 4-5 years ago was not especially exciting. Nor was Virginia Gentleman 90-proof (The Fox).

On the other side of things, I have always enjoyed Woodford Reserve, which many folks around here are very negative about. But, I never drink it anymore, partly because of its negative image, here. The other part is political, so I won't get in to it.

That's most of what comes to mind, right now.


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Going in the other direction, I was all prepared to be disappointed with Jim Beam Rye, only to find that I like it quite well.

Is that so? Maybe I should try it. It is the only straight rye available in my ABC, but I have always avoided it like the plague.


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...I was not quite enthusiastic about my Michter's 10 y.o. Rye. It did seem to get better one it became half full...
...Eventually, I managed to unearth my one and only bottle of Sazerac 18yo from the memory vaults...I think I was partially misled by the admittedly delicious nose. On the palate, though, it was a frustrating affair. The whiskey just refused to go anywhere. Too old, was my final verdict. Love the younger version, though!

It has been my belief since assaying the Michter's that it is the same whiskey as the Saz 18. After having questioned some of the principals involved with both bottlers, I've still no reason to discount that proposition. And, Lennart, some versions of each also strike me as pretty one-dimensional, though I've also liked some 'vintages' well enough.

As for the young Saz, don't assume it's the same as the older one (take the fact that you like one and not the other as evidence) -- if BT distilled the 18yo, it was during UDV days when they were doing bulk/custom for other labels, later buying it back.

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