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Empty Bottle Support Winter '08/'09

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Keeping with the seasonal Cradle to Grave bourbon consumption theme line of threads (Purchased, Drinking/Drank, and Empty).... & the fact we are getting a little snow here in the SW. :smiley_acbt: .. a new empty bottle thread is born

The end of some treasured samples met there end last night... I have been nursing these for about 9 months... RHFs, Baby Saz, and Buffalo Trace :smil41df29a15fb35:

I think the ERs and PVW 15 will fall tonight.... decided I needed the bottles for the Blanton's BLind Tasting we will be doing when GoCougs gets here on the 31st...

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I finally finished off my bottle of AA Preferred. Not the greatest Whiskey, but I think it got me hooked on "Whiskey ( AA Preferred) and coke."

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I saw the last of two really good bottles this week. Last night, a Julio's RHF. Sunday an ER 101. It was hard to finish the ER 101. :cry: Thank goodness I have two more in the bunker, and more on the way! :woohoo: Joe

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As we start a new one, this is just to re-state the purpose of the Empty Bottle Support Group thread.

We all know how difficult it is to finish a bottle of whiskey, especially one that cannot be replaced easily. It's hard, but it's part of life.

We know we shouldn't let a bottle sit around for years with one drink in the bottom but everybody does it.

It's hard to let go.

This thread is here for you to seek support and provide support to others. We feel your pain. This thread is for saying goodbye to special friends as they become empty vessels, a fate that awaits us all.

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As we start a new one, this is just to re-state the purpose of the Empty Bottle Support Group thread.

We all know how difficult it is to finish a bottle of whiskey, especially one that cannot be replaced easily. It's hard, but it's part of life.

We know we shouldn't let a bottle sit around for years with one drink in the bottom but everybody does it.

It's hard to let go.

This thread is here for you to seek support and provide support to others. We feel your pain. This thread is for saying goodbye to special friends as they become empty vessels, a fate that awaits us all.


Can I responde later?

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Wild Turkey Rare Breed is gone again...EC12 is gasping for breath...OGD114 is making a stand....it's all chaos here...the weekend and holiday pressure adding a few chips to the pile.

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Killed off a great bottle of VSOF 12 and perhaps the best bottle of Pappy 15 I've had which came from BD.com's bottling. They will be sorely missed.

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*sniffle* With help of several friends and a couple mishaps over the past few weeks finished off the VOB 86. And last night we stuck our rifle out the train window and killed ourselves a hand-selected Buffalo.

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*sniffle* With help of several friends and a couple mishaps over the past few weeks finished off the VOB 86. And last night we stuck our rifle out the train window and killed ourselves a hand-selected Buffalo.
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Last night I finished an ORVW 10/107. No need for sadness, finishing one of these is a joyous occasion, if you have an immediate replacement.

Oh, happy days!

Merry Christmas,


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Old Rip Handmade Bourbon 12 year.


Putting this bottle of Lawrenceburg down for good makes me really sad inside.

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Killed a Buffalo today at the in-laws. I guess that I had been drinking it mixed with Coke Zero whenever we were over there for dinner because today when I tried it neat, I noticed that it had the BT Funk. Luckily it was the last pour.

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My heart weighs heavy with the passing of a dear friend, one which I spent quite a while getting to know and has been a faithful companion for the duration...My 2006 Sazerac 18yo passed away today...

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I murdered my Welller Centennial tonight. Its demise coming so shortly after my Old Rip 12 died, has left me quite inconsolable.

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It seems that another dear friend of mine has passed as well. Upset by the passing of his older sibling, Mr. Thomas Handy (2006 vintage) committed suicide this evening. His splattered remains may prevent my snifter from ever being the same...

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'76 Yellowstone 86 proof. Nice whiskey although the finish is a little too short. I'm just glad this bottle has two siblings.

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Just buried my first Buffalo tonight and polished off a EC18. Sad to see the BT go, this is something I have to travel to get and I think it's a really good everyday type of bourbon...the only bottles I like as much in the same $$$ range are EC12 & WT101.

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