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Empty Bottle Support Winter '08/'09

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Finished a bottle of ERSB 10/90 a couple of nights ago. Three more in the bunker. Joe

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Finished a bottle of J W Dant last night. Working on a bottle of Old Fitz BIB at the moment. That too should be gone by weeks end. Finally getting a little room in the bunker. Joe

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So glad we have a support group here for this.

I just finished off my bottle of the current Van Winkle Lot B.

This is the kind of bad news that causes me to drink.

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So glad we have a support group here for this.

I just finished off my bottle of the current Van Winkle Lot B.

This is the kind of bad news that causes me to drink.

I hear ya brotha' ... was it an old SW version? ... I think I need a drink

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OFBB 06, and the length of time it sat there with a smidge in the bottom is why we have this thread.
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Finished a Saz Jr last night, and it was enjoyed until the last drop.

Good thing there's another to replace it!


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Finally polished off that bottle of Old Fitz 100 proof BIB. "Ahhh Fitz, we hardly knew ya!" It was a good one to the last pour. Joe

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Since I don't post my empty's often...thought I would run down the most recent group to bite the dust. All are dusty except the VG.

Yellowstone 86 Louisville

Dant Bib Louisville

Antique 80 Owensboro

Private Cellar 90 Owensboro

Old Grand Dad 86 Frankfort

Old Charter 10 and 12 Louisville

Colonel Lee Bib Bardstown

Dowling Deluxe Bib Bardstown

Old Forester Bib Louisville

Virginia Gentlemen 80 Frankfort

JTS Brown Bib Bardstown

Have I been drinking too much?

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I killed a turkey today. WT Rye 101 to be specific. It served me well and actually went faster than many bourbons I had on hand, but I am not convinced it can even hold a candle to Rittenhouse Rye BIB.

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By "hold a candle" to Rittenhouse....what are you referring to?

IMO, WT rye has much more flavor than the Ritt. Bib.

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I find Ritt does a better job of balancing the spice and flavor than WTR101. Don't get me wrong... I was very pleased with it, but I prefer Ritt BIB. (Especially when you consider the cost difference.)

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I agree that Rittenhouse is more sophisticated.

Although, I prefer the rough robust flavor of the Wild Turkey. Rittenhouse for the price might be the better deal...if I could find it in Texas.

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I find Ritt does a better job of balancing the spice and flavor than WTR101. Don't get me wrong... I was very pleased with it, but I prefer Ritt BIB. (Especially when you consider the cost difference.)
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WT runs about $20 while the Ritt. runs about $13 in Ky.

I haven't had the Ritt, but WTRye101 is the best rye I've had other than Handy, I thought there was loads of flavor and spice -- both "heat" and "pumpkin pie" spice. For $20 this would be a regular purchase for me if it were available.

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I'm at the bottom of a special bottle of Elmer T. Lee that I opened on my birthday last April, one shot left... perhaps I should save it for this years birthday? Well, as one door closes another door opens with a new vintage "Gold Wax" Elmer T. Lee

I'll be popping that on my birthday this coming year... BB

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Finished off a WLW SR tonight...but think I'll pick up a couple more soon. Wanna give one to my brother-in-law who is in love with Maker's....see if I can convert him...for funsies.

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I managed to savour and empty two bottles of EC12 over the break as i'd found a small liquor barn with a 'good' batch so i have purchased 2 more in case i have trouble finding the batch again... :cool:

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