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What Bourbon Are You Drinking??

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I'm having Weller 12 year old tonight. I bought it last week and have been drinking it the last few days. It is my first Weller and I may be buying more after this. I had almost given up on wheaters, but this is pretty good stuff. I think someone described it as having a more classic bourbon profile than other wheaters. I agree with that. It may be blasphemy, but I think I like it better than ORVW 10/107, which I find a bit harsh. I'll have to try ORVW again and see if I still see it that way.

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Avery, I am also having a hard time deciding on a favorite between Weller 12yo and ORVW 10yo 107. Both are fantastic bourbons, but something about the Weller is a little more approachable and easy to drink. I think I'll try adding a little watter to the ORVW and then comparing them again. Well the great thing is we don't have to decide. I'll enjoy both of them toast.gifyum.gif

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Great choice VOB-what a bourbon!!!! Sorry to reply so late on your post but have been doing a lot of "researching" lately and VOB "as Tony the Tiger would say" It's Gggggreat!!!!!! bowdown.gifbowdown.gifbowdown.gif



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I'm with you (and Jeff, too!): I prefer the simple Weller's 12yo to the Van Winkle 10/90 or 107 -- not that there's anything wrong with the latter(s). And, not surprisingly, both are (were) originally "Pappy"'s bourbons.

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I had a healthy shot of Rare Breed, last night while reading a good book (I believe it was John Irving's first, Setting Free the Bears). The RB is superb - sweet, spicy, and flavorful.


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Oh Tannenbaum, Oh Tannenbaum, wie grun ist seiner blatter? (sp?)

Christmas Tree is up, Lights are on. Patty and I are sitting in front of the fireplace on a rainy Kentucky afternoon. The deanter has mystery bourbon. Patty thinks she emptied a bottle of Ezra B 15YO SB into it. Warm and wonderful. drink.gif

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I'm about to do a side-by-side tasting of Weller's 12yo and Eagle Rare Single Barrel -- not because they're necessarily similar, but that I can't decide which I like better. I like them both a lot.

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Tonight, it is Elijah Craig 12-yr old. My current bottle is so much smoother and sweeter than what I remember from about two years ago - I definitely remember giving it the description, "firey", then. EC-12 Tasting notes

I wonder, has the bourbon changed that much, or is it just me?


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Evan Williams Black Label, 7-years old.

I've read so many conflicting reviews about this whiskey that I had to try it for myself.

I haven't developed the impressive vocab yet that many of you seem to have, when describing your drinks... All I can say is that it tastes good, but has an edge to it. It's a little "hot", if you will; but that doesn't bother me, since my mouth is extremely calloused from eating blazing hot food all the time. I imagine those with a tender palate would be put off by it.

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I enjoy EW black label, although I haven't had a pour for quite a while. If go with Evan Williams, I almost always go for EWSB these days. It's got more depth and complexity as well as smoother finish. I get a lot of alcohol in the nose of the 1993 vintage, but on the palate it is quite enjoyable. Now that I'm thinking about it, I'll probably have a pour of both this weekend.

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EW Black is a very close relative of EC-12, both being from Heaven Hill. They probably begin as the same whiskey, but then are selected for different aging treatments.


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Still snowing here in western MA. Not as much snow as predicted, but it's still coming down and the night is young. Had a nice fire going in the fireplace, playing cards with my wife and finished my first opened Saz 18. Great rye! Now I'm enjoying an Old Charter Proprietor's Reserve 13 YO. Very fine bourbon!

The Saz's cork goes into my cork collection (never know when a spare cork might be needed), but the bottle will go to recycling. frown.gif It would make a nice rocks glass, cut off and fire polished just below the "Sazerac" name, but it would be even nicer if there was a Saz glass to buy. smile.gif I don't normally like "branded" glasses, at all, but I would make an exception for the Saz.

Best thing is, I have an open ORVWOTR 12 YO and a friend brought me a VWFR 13 YO, so I get to HTH these two wonderful ryes, both of which of which I've bunkered. smile.gif

A win-win sscenario, methinks! Cheers, Ed

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Thanks to the wonderful generosity of Ed (pepcycle) I am enjoying a generous pour of Ezra Brooks 15yo Single Barrel. I am enjoying my drink in my new Riedel bourbon glass. I must say that, while I expected this to be nice based on comments heard here, I am blown away by this one. Easily the best bourbon to come out of Heaven Hill IMHO. Thick caramel and Vanilla notes with some pleasant woodiness. I'll be exploring this one some more. And the best thing is, I just found a new stash just waiting for the picking. Oh happy day! toast.gif

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I just had another round of Eagle Rare Single Barrel. My side-by-side with Weller's 12yo the other night solved nothing. In fact, I think I'm going to sample the Weller again right now. I realize I'll probably eventually find something I like better that I haven't tried yet, but I'm in no hurry -- I'm having an awfully good time with these two.

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Right now, I'm drinking Maker's Mark... and strangely, I'm enjoying it. I guess it's growing on me a bit. It's not bad stuff, I just find it a little boring.

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Still snowing here in western MA. Not as much snow as predicted, but it's still coming down and the night is young. Had a nice fire going in the fireplace, playing cards with my wife and finished my first opened Saz 18. Great rye! Now I'm enjoying an Old Charter Proprietor's Reserve 13 YO. Very fine bourbon!

Man, that sounds like heaven to me!

Where in western MA do you live?...I lived in Williamstown for awhile, about 20 years ago...beautiful country!

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Yeah, it was a very mellow evening, couldn't get much better! I live in Easthampton, which is west of the CT river. Nice area, but it could always be improved bt a Buffalo trace distributor moving in down the block (Hint, hint BT folk! grin.gif ) Ed

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