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What bourbon are you drinking? Winter 2014/2015

Special Reserve
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Relaxing with a pour of PVW 20 now. This is an older 2009 version neat and just wonderful.

Can't believe how fast this year went by and the holiday season is nearing its climax.

Merry Christmas to all.


Edit: this pour was a big wow. And I don't really say it that much. Tonight it followed the PHC4 then W18 B43 wheater which are great but this PVW20 really hit the spot tonight.


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back home and settling in before crashing, as I have to work tomorrow. HHBIB gold, HH6/90 and WTRB all have 1-2 pours left in them, so I'll be in bottle clear out mode before monday's recycling day. WTRB bit the dust tonight. not sure Ill replace it anytime soon. Anymore, I judge everything relative to my favorite 4: Dickel 9, Booker's, HH6BIB, and OE101. If it doesnt measure up to those, I'll likely hold off on buying anymore of said bottle. The first new WTRB 112 I got I thoroughly enjoyed, but this one's been so-so. I dont know if its the bottle or if the profile just got old to me. Not bad, but I'd take any of the above 4 over it anytime.

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Christmas Eve calls for a special pour that suits the sweet tooth so it's been a wheater kind of night. I started with Weller 12 to warm up the palate while doing some last minute present wrapping. I followed that with '13 lot B and actually found it to be quite a bit different from the Weller 12. Not "better", just different. Now sipping on some '13 PVW15 - I have one pour left after this. This bottle has changed from "40 layers of caramel" when I first opened it last year to about 13 layers of caramel and more oak present. Still quite tasty. If I'm still awake for a next pour, I'll finish with '14 WLW.

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Christmas Eve at the folks house meant having some SAOS (TPS selection, very nice), followed by a private OWA, and finishing with some GTS.

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HH6/90 is never a bad pour.

Do you prefer the HH6/90 to the HHBIB gold ? In other words, are you sometimes willing to trade proof for age? We all know that, typically, you vote for proof.

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Christmas day also calls for a special pour so I'm starting with the first pour from a bottle of ORVW 10yr. It needed to sit in the glass and open up for about 30 minutes or so and now it is absolutely singing. I would gladly give up any future taste of the older expressions for an unlimited supply of this one.

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Dipping back into a 10 year 4 month OESQ. I think this bottle is still pretty wound up; it's nose is closed and boozy but the taste is big on spice and fruit with an amazing finish. Water is bringing out more rye and oak, it's perfectly off-dry neat or wet. Once I get a few pours gone from this bottle it might be even more interesting.

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Dipping back into a 10 year 4 month OESQ. I think this bottle is still pretty wound up; it's nose is closed and boozy but the taste is big on spice and fruit with an amazing finish. Water is bringing out more rye and oak, it's perfectly off-dry neat or wet. Once I get a few pours gone from this bottle it might be even more interesting.

My experience with some of these 4R private barrels is that it takes a few pours and a few weeks after first being opened for them to really shine.

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I find the V and K recipes more predictable. The O and Q recipes sometimes take a little time to get used to, open up, or to figure out whether to add a little water.

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I am pretty tight with LEs and "special pours" with a preference to only get them out when friends come over or celebrate special occasions. My kids are getting a little older so our Christmas celebrations involve a larger Christmas Eve get together followed by a smaller family gathering the weekend following Christmas. So, Christmas Day itself is pretty low keyed. I enjoyed it with my wife, two sons and future daughter-in-law. I am pretty happy. Went for a Christmas run and then came home to enjoy a pour of '14 GTS, HHSS SB2 and then whatever special I decide to pull out. I am thinking '13 FR SmB LE, although the HHSS SB2 is pretty darn good!

I hope everyone is enjoying their Christmas, Hannakuh, Kwanza or whatever they celebrate this time of year!

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The wife and I are on the road this Christmas, and since I knew I wouldn't be able to pick up a new bottle today, though I plan to do some post-Christmas shopping tomorrow, I decided to fill my flask with the last bit of Elmer T. Lee that I have and brought it along. So....after a big dinner, and a little time to settle, I go to grab the glass in the hotel room and a small cube of ice or 2 and....crap....paper cups? I thought this was a nice hotel. Oh well. Tell you what though.....even in a paper cup, ETL is goooooood.

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Do you prefer the HH6/90 to the HHBIB gold ? In other words, are you sometimes willing to trade proof for age? We all know that, typically, you vote for proof.

depends on the night. sometimes 90 proof fits the mood, and I go for the 6/90, but most times, I do, as you say, go for the proof, and prefer the BIB.....either of the HH bonds.....to the 6/90. There arent many 90 proof bourbons out there that Id buy at any price, but the 6/90 is a solid offering, and stupid-cheap at $9 a bottle. Any other distiller would charge 3x that for those stats on the label.

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We spent xmas day at my in laws house . With that in mind, I opted to bring my flask with me filled with OGD114.

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Christmas Eve we had family members over. One of my wife's nieces was admiring some of my bourbons. Seems her husband, a college history prof, has been reading about trade and commerce in the 1800s and has been bitten by the American whiskey bug. When they left, he had a BT and a Bernheim in hand for comparative purposes and a reading list of books by some SBers (like Chuck, Mike, Fred, and Clay). I'm really going to enjoy the exam I'm giving him in a month or so. I've already started trying out "questions".:bigeyes: Next semester, we study the blogs.

Edited by Harry in WashDC
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polished off the near-empty HH6/90 tonight, and the near-empty HHBIB gold is next this weekend in an attempt to clear out low bottles before recycling day.

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I had my first pour of bourbon in about three months tonight. I've been on a weight management program and while I have had a few beers in that time, I did not touch any bourbon. 41 pounds later, the FR gift shop OBSF that I shared with friends tonight really hit the spot. Honey on the tongue with cinnamon hots on the finish.

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I had my first pour of bourbon in about three months tonight. I've been on a weight management program and while I have had a few beers in that time, I did not touch any bourbon. 41 pounds later, the FR gift shop OBSF that I shared with friends tonight really hit the spot. Honey on the tongue with cinnamon hots on the finish.
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I had my first pour of bourbon in about three months tonight. I've been on a weight management program and while I have had a few beers in that time, I did not touch any bourbon. 41 pounds later, the FR gift shop OBSF that I shared with friends tonight really hit the spot. Honey on the tongue with cinnamon hots on the finish.
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Last night had some P&M OESV.

Apparently my mom help herself to the same for the fig cookies(Cucidati), they made yesterday.

Not the one I would have selected, but I can't argue with the end taste.


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Lastnight I really enjoyed a small pour of CEHT BP.

Had the same thing last night but a hefty pour. Got the crud yesterday and unlike others I need a high proof to see me through it. Well at least I've convinced Mrs TT

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Last night was the Christmas party at my house so share some good stuff with my family.

Very good craft beers from others then some great bourbon.

ORVW 10, 09 PVW 20, VOF 10, JPS 18, Rathskellar, HHSS SB


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