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What Bourbon Are You Drinking, Fall 2010

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Last night (Sunday night after work, so around 2am Monday morning) I sat down to watch the American version of Top Gear on the History channel, with a two finger pour of Elijah Craig 18yo, and I go through a cycle of liking and disliking this bottle, and last night it hit me as extra woody again, so after finishing this pour I had to have a second pour of Evan Williams Black label to remove the oak from my mouth before bedtime. The first pour of the EC18 was wonderful, and then about every other time I drink it, it’s not too bad, but nothing like the first pour, but the other pours, wow, it’s like sucking on the barrel it lived in for 18yrs. The EWBL was good as always, not great, but consistent. Either way I’m not complaining, I got to have two pours, and I only worked 8hours on Sunday so that’s like getting a 16 hour long weekend instead of the usual (as of lately) 12 hours, so it was a win – win weekend.

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Old Charter Proprietor's Reserve, 13yo 90prf, Louisville distilled, the infamous "slope shoulder" bottle, neat.

This is just one flat out fine fine fine bottle of whiskey.

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Had the last pour and a half from a bottle of ERSB when I got home from work. Joe

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FRSmB 2010 LE.

This release hasn't gotten much reaction here (maybe because they did away with the Mariage name). But for my money, this is one very, very fine whiskey. Seemlessly integrated from nose to finish. Delicate layers of flavor that reveal themselves over time. Perfect for sipping (as I did) by the fire on a winter evening.

Not as bold and assertive as the 2009 (or 2008) Mariages but, IMO, Rutledge has produced another classic FR.

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Down here in the Deep South, it ain't been above freezing for a couple of days. Wind Chill this morning was Zero. This sucks. It's waaaay too early for this. So, I whipped out the Evan Williams 90 proof 7 yr Antebellum Decanter, to help get me back to the ways things ought to be down here. From the neck card: "Sweet mangolias. Moss-draped cypress. Beautiful ladies. Warm welcomes. Like Evan Williams Bourbon, only the most sincere forms of hospitality belong to the lasting tradition of the South...."

Ahhhhh, now, that's more like it. It'll be 60 before you know it. A very nice, full and rich bourbon, this is.

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07 OFBB (opened tonight), FRSB 100 proof Binny's barrel # 3 (empty bottle tonight) and tiny tiny pours of PVW 15 and 06 WLW, just to keep the deliciousness going. It's already been a long work week and I felt deserving.

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Doing some paperwork in the home office with a healthy pour of 91 proof Yellowstone from 1982. I wish I had more of this bunkered.

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Doing some paperwork in the home office with a healthy pour of 91 proof Yellowstone from 1982. I wish I had more of this bunkered.

I’m having a bad cold, as many other here in the extreme cold whether, but I did have an uncut Blanton’s both today and yesterday. I did go thru the stuffed nose pretty well with its rug stile.


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VWFRR to numb things after a long run. I could drink this stuff forever. Just wish I could locate more of it.

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Henry McKenna SB 10yr BIB, then OFBB 2010, then Weller 12. The McKenna hit the spot tonight. Weller 12 in a very close second. OFBB a distant third.

Now, if I could only get some more McKenna.

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Sipping on a WT 86.8, while contemplating whether this bad weather is going to force me to postpone my trip, again, tomorrow.

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Bowling night tonight. I brought some Ten High Ten, and Kahn's RHF. Gary brought one I can't remember, :rolleyes: , and a Liquor World Willetts. The Willetts was a 4 year old, 120 proofer. That's why I can't remember what else he brought. Yes, that's my story and I'm sticking to it. :grin: I rolled good (671), and Gary rolled better (706). We widened our first place lead to three points. Next week is the last week of the first half. If we win, we're in the finals at years end. :woohoo: Cheers! Joe

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Three men, one bottle of Rare Breed from 1997. Found it empty this morning but my head isn't--it's full of woodpeckers!:bigeyes:

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Three men, one bottle of Rare Breed from 1997. Found it empty this morning but my head isn't--it's full of woodpeckers!:bigeyes:
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'07 GTStagg with organic figs imported from Turkey(Peace be upon on him and Praise be his name),...(just covering my bases.)

I find the praline of the Stagg in harmony with the rich sweetness of the figs.

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All I know is, this new bottle of Ri(1) tastes a heck of a lot better at $20/bottle, than the last bottle did at $48! ;)

Regardless, the Saz Jr. still slays it......IMO, of course. :)

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