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What are you cookin on the smoker?


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6 hours ago, BottledInBond said:

I get an almost physical pain each time I hear/read someone talking about being in a long stall. It’s by far the worst part about doing larger cuts. My last brisket stalled for basically 6 hours. The stress it adds in not knowing if you’ll have the meat ready for a planned meal is terrible. I’ve become a fan of starting several hours early, and then resting the meat in coolers for a few hours if needed. Never have I said “I wish I hadn’t rested that meat for so long before serving it”


Preach on!!! 


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Smoking some turkey legs today for a change. First time doing the legs. Bought them with the intention of smoking them in October around the State Fair time and never got around to it so stuck them in the freezer until today.

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The first attempt at Char Siu was mostly a success. I had a hard time getting the glaze to really crust up without drying things. I should probably have stopped around 150 degrees or took it up to 200 ish slowly. I ended up about 185 and it was slightly too done. 




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  Absolutely stunning weather day in the mid-Atlantic yesterday, so I planned on doing some "cheater" pastrami's on the Blaz'n Grid Iron.  The recipe I got for the "cheater" pastrami has bee modified over the past 5 years I have made them.  I have adjusted to soak time to desalinate, I have adjusted the rest time after desalination and seasoning, and finally I have adjusted the cook time.  I also have adjusted the seasoning ratio' of spices to suit my (and my family's) taste.  They went about 4 hours at 250dgf, and were pulled at an IT of ~175dgf.  They have been wrapped in foil and refrigerated for ~24 hours.  

  Today I will pull them from the frig, and steam until a minimum IT of 203dgf before slicing and eating.  They weren't able to be consumed yesterday as it was a Friday during Lent, no meat allowed.  Today they will be served as Pastrami specials: fresh baked rye, with thousand island dressing, coleslaw and swiss cheese.   Three separate "cheater" pastrami briskets, and a combined weight of 10#.  One for the wifey and I today/this weekend.  One for next week/weekend when my son returns home to visit, and the last one goes to the freezer for future consumption.

 Pictures of the sliced end product will follow later!









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4 hours ago, Richdel said:

  Absolutely stunning weather day in the mid-Atlantic yesterday, so I planned on doing some "cheater" pastrami's on the Blaz'n Grid Iron.  The recipe I got for the "cheater" pastrami has bee modified over the past 5 years I have made them.  I have adjusted to soak time to desalinate, I have adjusted the rest time after desalination and seasoning, and finally I have adjusted the cook time.  I also have adjusted the seasoning ratio' of spices to suit my (and my family's) taste.  They went about 4 hours at 250dgf, and were pulled at an IT of ~175dgf.  They have been wrapped in foil and refrigerated for ~24 hours.  

  Today I will pull them from the frig, and steam until a minimum IT of 203dgf before slicing and eating.









Yours sound fantastic. I've got about a 4lb corned beef soaking and tomorrow I'm gonna garlic and pepper rub it and smoke it like a brisket. Not gonna do the whole pastrami routine on it. Smoke till the stall, wrap and finish on the smoker. Wish me luck!

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Wednesday I smoked some pastrami then warmed it the sous vide for a little get together at our house. The pork loin with a wonderful accompaniment. The pork loin had my go to pork rub (salt, pepper, chili powder, ground mustard, coriander, cayenne, onion powder) and a little brown sugar. 



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Well, the pastrami was excellent.  Freshly baked rye bread, swiss cheese, homemade Thousand Island dressing and coleslaw, along with a highball and NCAA basketball.  Life is pretty darn good!





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As I’ve said before, I really hate this thread. 😖


Biba! Joe

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38 minutes ago, fishnbowljoe said:

As I’ve said before, I really hate this thread. 😖


Biba! Joe

Hey you're retired now. Get out there and start smokin'!

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1 hour ago, fishnbowljoe said:

As I’ve said before, I really hate this thread. 😖


Biba! Joe

Come on down to St Louis, Joe. We'll feed you and share some pours! 

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20 hours ago, Richdel said:

Well, the pastrami was excellent.  Freshly baked rye bread, swiss cheese, homemade Thousand Island dressing and coleslaw, along with a highball and NCAA basketball.  Life is pretty darn good!





That looks amazing!! I'm going to try one for sure. I will also get my sous chef to bake some rye bread. My mouth is watering!


Prost!!  Phil 

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The smoked corned beef was mostly a success but wasn't the tenderness I was going for. I lost about an hour to getting fire going this morning and also one point when the fan in the grill got stuck and temp dropped. I was trying to cook at 225 but ended up going to 275 due to lost time.  Wrapped about 155 ish and took it to 200. Rested for about 45 mins.  Flavor was great and it was plenty juicy but didn't have the full "fold itself over your knife" texture i wanted like a good brisket. Still learning the intricacies of this cooker. Cabbage with bacon and potatoes and onions also went in the smoker.

Pics just you @fishnbowljoe!





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Another chuck roast on the smoker (aka poor man's brisket), along with bacon wrapped potatoes, and carrots with honey and butter.

Pics just for Joe.  I won't tag him, but I'm sure he'll see them anyway.




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Planked flounder, smoked with pecan on the primo grill...



And placed on a simple salad with Korean raspberry bbq sauce...


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Inspired by Clueby and Geeten, I'm celebrating Opening Day with Char Siu pork tenderloin, and it's FANTASTIC! Enjoying an Urban Chestnut Stammtisch Pilsner. 



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22 hours ago, JCwhammie said:

Inspired by Clueby and Geeten, I'm celebrating Opening Day with Char Siu pork tenderloin, and it's FANTASTIC! Enjoying an Urban Chestnut Stammtisch Pilsner. 


Looks great! My invitation must have gotten lost in the mail. 😜

Local shop was having a big sale today so I picked up quite a bit. I'm ready for grilling season. 


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Tri Tip on the inside getting smoke. 17 year scotch on the outside getting smoke. Sun in the western sky. Good to be alive. 


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22 hours ago, MM818 said:

Tri Tip on the inside getting smoke.

I just picked up my first tri tip and looking forward to trying it. Not a popular cut in the Midwest but my Cali friend swears by it. Are you cooking it to a medium rare or full on like a brisket?


I cooked the first NY Strip from the recent purchase.  Holy crap it was good. Made some chicken legs today. Some were bacon wrapped and some were also glazed with a sesame ginger glaze. I think I preferred the bare ones. They were smokier.

Barrel aged Eagle Rare Old Fashioned for the cocktail.



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I'm trying a smoked chuck roast today while working from home.  Fingers crossed that it comes out okay.   


I've been cooking since I was a kid.   35+ years.  I cook and bake just about everything.  After so many years of experience, I think that I've gotten fairly good at it.  Probably about as good as can be attained without formal training or an abuela right next to me.  But like my uncles used to say about my dad and his toolbox, cooking outdoors is my worst enemy.  I've gotten to where my results are okay (at best) on my charcoal grill and then I got a smoker during covid.  Man, I have fucked up more meat in the last 12 months than the prior 20 years.  But hey, we have to learn and grow.  I really enjoy seeing all the great stuff that you guys post on this thread.  My results are never "show worthy" but y'all continually inspire me.  

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14 hours ago, Clueby said:

I just picked up my first tri tip and looking forward to trying it. Not a popular cut in the Midwest but my Cali friend swears by it. Are you cooking it to a medium rare or full on like a brisket?


I cooked the first NY Strip from the recent purchase.  Holy crap it was good. Made some chicken legs today. Some were bacon wrapped and some were also glazed with a sesame ginger glaze. I think I preferred the bare ones. They were smokier.

Barrel aged Eagle Rare Old Fashioned for the cocktail.



The ones I've had were medium rare, and they were great. Drizzle a little chimichurri on there. Yum.


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