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Empty Bottle Support Group 2013

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I can't help but laugh when I read that acronym and try to make sense of why they called it that.

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EWSB store pick the other night.

This year's selections have been way too easy of drinker's, and sometimes that's a good thing when you just want something easy.


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A few empties from these past few weeks (bottles seem to go faster around the holidays):


WLW '05, Saz18 '12, Willett 24 Rye (#637, 110pf), K&L Chieftains Mortlach 22, Glendronach 15 PX Single Cask, Hirsch 22 Rye

(X-Post: http://www.straightbourbon.com/forums/showthread.php?10121-Which-Bottle-Have-You-Laid-To-Rest&p=387634&viewfull=1#post387634 )

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A few empties from these past few weeks (bottles seem to go faster around the holidays):


WLW '05, Saz18 '12, Willett 24 Rye (#637, 110pf), K&L Chieftains Mortlach 22, Glendronach 15 PX Single Cask, Hirsch 22 Rye

(X-Post: http://www.straightbourbon.com/forums/showthread.php?10121-Which-Bottle-Have-You-Laid-To-Rest&p=387634&viewfull=1#post387634 )

Could you at least drink some occasional swill like Rittenhouse 100 or Laphroaig 10 to not make us all look bad?

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A Weller 12 is D-U-N done. Down to my last 2 bottles... Things are getting a bit desperate. Haven't seen it in KY for months (found some in another state, didn't buy enough).

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A Weller 12 is D-U-N done. Down to my last 2 bottles... Things are getting a bit desperate. Haven't seen it in KY for months (found some in another state, didn't buy enough).
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Finished a PHC POH last night, damn good bottle that just kept getting better and better. Enough so that I bought another one

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So many guests, so much whiskey down the hatch. Blew through a half dozen this past week including JTS Brown BIB, Makers Mark, OCPR (ouch!), OF BIB and Kentucky Spirit. Good times!

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

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Cleared out space on the bar over the weekend for something special. Emptied a Henry McKenna 10, PHC 6, Jefferson's 10 rye, and a FR OESV. All good, all have reserves in the bunker.

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Cleared out space on the bar over the weekend for something special. Emptied a Henry McKenna 10, PHC 6, Jefferson's 10 rye, and a FR OESV. All good, all have reserves in the bunker.

Quite an impressive clean up but pray tell what is the "someting special" taking their place?

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First and only OC10. Enjoyed, but not going yo bite on the OC8. Refuse to support lower age with other choices available.

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First and only OC10. Enjoyed, but not going yo bite on the OC8. Refuse to support lower age with other choices available.

If you like anything from BT with an age statement on it, you best load up now........

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After breakfast this morning, I had the last couple of pours from a bottle of 07 WLW with my second cup of coffee. :yum:

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My brother came over and we finished the bottle of WT American Spirit. Fortunately, there are two more behind it.

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Busy holiday season - finished off Dickel 9 year, Buffalo Trace and Woodford Reserve Double Oaked Single Barrel

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Well said! I will say the same the day I finally kill mine. Luckily I did not see fit to buy a second.
Kind of a funny story on the WTRRSmBSB really.The second bottle was a gift to my father and he brought it back to me to add insult to injury,live and learn I guess.
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Finished the last pour of my FR 100th Anniversary today.... moment of silence please....great bottle!

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