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What Beer Are You Drinking? Fall '13

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I have leaves to rake, boxes to put up in the attic, pond pump to clean out, garage to organize for Winter, trash to take out, flower bed to prep for bulbs to be planted, doggie door to install, furnace filters to change, ivy to cut back, and fortyeleven other things on the Honey-do list today. But, seeing that Mrssmokinjoe is out of the house having lunch with her girlfriends, I ain't doin' a dang thing 'cept sit out soaking up some brilliant Fall Sun while relishing this creamy good Backwoods Bastard. :yum: Oh hun, I'm sorry I didn't get all those things done, but your Mother phoned, and I thought it would be nice to talk and catch up with her...

Yeah, I'll get busted eventually. But, that's what I have the bourbon for...:D

You're my hero Joe! :bowdown: Unfortunately, I have an oar in the same canoe as you. :falling:

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I have leaves to rake, boxes to put up in the attic, pond pump to clean out, garage to organize for Winter, trash to take out, flower bed to prep for bulbs to be planted, doggie door to install, furnace filters to change, ivy to cut back, and fortyeleven other things on the Honey-do list today. But, seeing that Mrssmokinjoe is out of the house having lunch with her girlfriends, I ain't doin' a dang thing 'cept sit out soaking up some brilliant Fall Sun while relishing this creamy good Backwoods Bastard. :yum: Oh hun, I'm sorry I didn't get all those things done, but your Mother phoned, and I thought it would be nice to talk and catch up with her...

Yeah, I'll get busted eventually. But, that's what I have the bourbon for...:D

:lol: Perfect! Your wife and mine must have gone to the same school. Got my list done a bit earlier in the weekend; personal motivation so I could kick back and watch a little NFL. We are hosting Thanksgiving (30+ family), and the preparations have already begun. I've split some wood for the fire pit, bottled a bit of the homemade vino to make room in the basement in the event of rain, raked leaves, raked leaves, and raked leaves, and have my eye on those wild turkeys wandering through my yard in case we can't quite feed the mob with the bird we've ordered that I'm not sure will quite fit in our oven ...

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I'm banking on my Dad raking leaves while he's house sitting for us this week. :P Left me free to drank damned near all day! Ten Fiddy and W12 right now. :)

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I'm banking on my Dad raking leaves while he's house sitting for us this week. :P Left me free to drank damned near all day! Ten Fiddy and W12 right now. :)
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Attended a horizontal vertical tasting today, multiple vintages of Hoppin Frog BB boris, bairille aois, boris royale, Cleveland crusher, boris 100, BB Doris. Fuller's Vintage Ale '99-'12 minus maybe 2 vintages. North Coast old Stock ale '02-'11, Stone Vertical Epic '03-'11, Southern Tier Cuvee 1, 2, & 3, and an assortment of other special selections. Very good day until the Bengals lost their second straight OT game.

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Attended a horizontal vertical tasting today, multiple vintages of Hoppin Frog BB boris

Any age-affected differences worth noting?

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There were so many beers that I only tried 2 BB Boris vintages, the 9 was maybe just a bit past it's prime, the '10 was stellar. The real differences were between bourbon, Irish, and Canadian barrels. Irish was the consensus favorite.

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I had a smoker porter on tap at Squatters today, although I'm not happy that cold weather seasonals are already here, I'll happily drink them.

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The last of my Grest Lakes Oktoberfests. A treat to drink this one every year that I can get my mitts on it.

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Oktoberfests are the only seasonal that sell outside of the season. We have people daily still asking for Sam Adams Octoberfest. We just ran out of GL Oktoberfest this past weekend.

Winter beers are in full swing. I prefer stouts this time of year over liquid Christmas trees.

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Moved onto a Lag Imperial Stout can't really say anything bad for a $4 bottle,but lets be honest Lagunitas is pretty damned solid across the board.

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I drank my second Lagunitas Brown Shugga tonight. I wasn't sure about it at first but it's growing on me. I haven't had anything like it before.

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I drank my second Lagunitas Brown Shugga tonight. I wasn't sure about it at first but it's growing on me. I haven't had anything like it before.

Brown Shugga is one of my absolute favorite brown ales. Good stuff.

On Sunday I had a wide variety throughout the day while watching the games. Started with a local brewery, Mountain State, and their Cold Trail Pale Ale. Tasty, and very heavy on the cereal flavors. After I got home I thought I'd try a Mikkeller 1,000 IBU. Whoa. Obviously tangy and bitter, but with plenty of sweet, citrus, and malt going on. I wish I had another to let it age and see what happens to all that bitterness after a few years.

Later in the day I went through some bottles from the Harpoon winter mix 12-pack. The UFO and IPA I skipped since I was familiar with both (they're ok). The other two offerings were Winter Warmer and Chocolate Stout. The Winter Warmer was typically TOO "Christmas-y" with just tons of cinnamon and nutmeg and whatever else they flavor these things with. Wasn't awful, but wasn't a fan. Many, many rungs down from Great Lakes Christmas Ale and Avery Old Jubilation Ale. I still need to try the SN Celebration Ale. The Chocolate Stout was too sweet, but it did have a wonderful milk chocolate flavor. I'd love to see something from them with a higher ABV and a little more bitterness, like a Leviathan series imperial chocolate stout.

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Celebration Ale is great, but it's not a winter warmer type beer. I am pretty sure you'll enjoy it.

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Samuel Smith's Winter Welcome Ale. Stylistically it kinda falls in between an Oktoberfest and a Warmer, so pretty perfect for this time of year!

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