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What Bourbon did you purchase today? Fall 2014

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Yesterday I finally snabbed the GTS I've been pining for, will open tonight (or maybe this afternoon). Also got a 4R SmB LE, cracked that open and really enjoyed it. Plus some Dogfish 120 Minute IPA, for you craft beer geeks out there.

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The opposite being yesterday:

"Hey Joe, I found a bottle of blah blah. Do you want one?"

"Cool Rich, yeah grab me one"

Later the same day...

"Hey Rich, blah blah has a bottles of blah blah that just came in if you are interested."

"Thanks Joe! Yeah I'll take one if each."

So that explains the earlier visit ;) Sometimes having friends as enablers can be damaging to the bank account, but couldn't be more thankful for them!! I need to make the same trip to pick up blah blah blah later today!

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Wallet has taken another beating the past three days once again. OFBBx2,ER17,WTRB, and a WT Diamond. Love getting the calls from suppliers, but the stash of cash is on life support at the moment. Need some time to replenish before I have to start letting the wife know what I have purchased.

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FRSB selected for BevMo. OBSO, 10yr 3mo, 115.2 proof. Thought it would be interesting to compare it to the 12yr 10mo gift shop OBSO I already have. The GS bottle has a thicker mouthfeel and is heavier on oak, but they're both very good.

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After almost two weeks of keeping my eyes peeled while traveling around China, I finally scored 2 bottles of Wild Turkey 101 with 8 year age statement. The irony is that I found it in a little shop that just opened literally next door to our friend's apartment building. It opened while we were traveling with them for the past 8 days so was a nice thing to discover upon returning to their home. We head back to the States Wednesday so there's still a small window to find some WT101 12 yr. Fingers crossed.

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What city was that in? I'm finding Rare Breed around Beijing but not so much the 101/8yr. Safe travels and hope you had an eye opening time here.

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Found it in Suzhou.

We have had a great time here, in Nanjing, Xi'an, and Beijing. Tomorrow we go to Shanghai for a day and then home.

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Picked up an ECBP (6th rel, 140.2) today.

I also got lucky and was able to bring an ECBP Batch 6 home. And then I found a lonely 2014 WLW that needed a good home as well.


The retailer claimed that the distributor, which is different from the distributor for Stagg and Saz 18 in Georgia for reason that don't seem to be clear to anyone, was charging $10 more than the distributor for Stagg/Saz. I presume it is true since none of the retailers seem to particularly care for the WLW distributor and I had picked up a Stagg last week from this retailer for $10 less.

But I finally caved on the EC 23. I liked the bottle that the HH rep had brought around last week (Barrel 27 I believe) but couldn't find the same barrel. So I ended up with a shot in the dark on Barrel 52. Age of distillation suggests this could be more like 24 and half unless it has been bottled for awhile. I hope it as least as good as Barrel 27...


Oh well, you win some, you hit yourself in the head with a hammer some...



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After reading a few Stagg reviews that said this year's is one of the better ones, I decided to get back in the game that I quit playing a few years ago. It took 20 or 30 phone calls, but I think I got one of the last GTS's in northern Illinois last Friday. I'll probably open it up after my fourth and final child is born sometime next week.

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It has been awhile since I've posted here. Over the last week: Gallenstein Ky Spirit - very good, Gallenstein RRSB - excellent, 2 x baby Saz, HH BHC EWSB 10th Anny barrel 1132 - I like this a lot, and ECBP 140.2 - excellent. No luck on BTAC yet.

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I had a pretty decent week....for Virginia....Still praying for a WLW and some Parker's Heritage.

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Grabbed a private selection of Knob Creek SB, a Stagg Jr batch 3 and some Antico Vermouth for making barrel aged manhattans.

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Grabbed a private selection of Knob Creek SB, a Stagg Jr batch 3 and some Antico Vermouth for making barrel aged manhattans.

What's the proof on Batch 3? I don't remember hearing about that one yet.

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OWA SB, OWA Microbatch (2 barrels batched), another HMcK BiB UCF 3rd floor, and a BT - all Loch & Key Selections.

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Picked up a GTS today. Wish I could find some others from BTAC but I'm not optimistic. Too many potato heads out there.

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I just picked up two bottles of Elijah Craig Barrel Strength! $49.99/ea. I have never had the Barrel Strength version, so excited to find them.


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