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What Bourbon Did You Purchase Today, Summer 2019

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2 hours ago, CUfan99 said:

The 116.8 is so good. I’m without it right now and that needs rectifying. 

Yes it was and yes I also need more!


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Booker's 2019-02.  Booker's is the stuff that convinced me that Bourbon was as good as Scotch. However, this is the first bottle I have bought since before the price hike. I was really annoyed by that price change and decided I would spend my money elsewhere. Well, I have been wanting to revisit it, and when I saw it at Costco for 59.99, I capitulated.

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4 hours ago, Bob_Loblaw said:

Picked these up yesterday. The Michters was more than the other two combined so it’s got some lofty expectations. Excited to try that vs the last few pours of the BP Rye I have. 


I know Michters has been viewed negatively for Not being very forthcoming information wise, but do not really know details. Can anyone fill me in?


Other people here know the story better than I, but since you asked.

My understanding is, after the Michter's distillery in PA closed, the owner did not pay to renew the copyright.  These other people jumped on it: making labels that looked more or less the same before, reportedly buying bulk whiskey from B-F.

At one point the original Michter's master distiller was starting to get back into the business.  The new people got all lawyered up and shut it down.

Also, the sourced stuff is sold at a big mark up.



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On 7/12/2019 at 3:42 PM, smokinjoe said:

My Crusade to safeguard the industry continued today, with another reverse-Karma insurance policy purchase.  This time Maker’s Mark is spared a calamity with me bringing home this 46.  :D  




My retroactive support of your mission by combining forces resulted in all on time flights with Delta and their Woodford Reserve goodness this past week.

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7 minutes ago, flahute said:

My retroactive support of your mission by combining forces resulted in all on time flights with Delta and their Woodford Reserve goodness this past week.

And, Versailles is untouched!  :D


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11 minutes ago, flahute said:

My retroactive support of your mission by combining forces resulted in all on time flights with Delta and their Woodford Reserve goodness this past week.

The true test would be to fly American Airlines and have on time flights. They're on a helluva nose dive this summer

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The true test would be to fly American Airlines and have on time flights. They're on a helluva nose dive this summer

Amen to that!
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18 minutes ago, kevinbrink said:

Ain't nothin wrong with it

I second the motion. ;) 

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8 hours ago, hollywood said:

I second the motion. ;) 

Third - under-rated all the way.

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Another two bottles of Henry McKenna. 

E.H Taylor Single Barrel (ridiculous price, though)

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A gift for my top bartender in New Orleans, it's her favorite-- Tales of the Cocktail kicks off today and I want to make sure I'm covered.



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Not everyday you run into these at Costco.   Had my brother pick up 2 EHT SmB ($35.99 per), 3 ERs ($28.99 per) and 2 Blantons ($53.99 per).   He picked up a bunch as well.  


Costco BT-min.JPG

Edited by Whitewhale
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3 minutes ago, Whitewhale said:

Not everyday you run into these at Costco.   Had my brother pick up 2 EHT SmB ($35.99 per), 3 ERs ($28.99 per) and 2 Blantons ($53.99 per).   He picked up a bunch as well.  

They're building a new Costco about 5 minutes from my house, the first in our area, and I hope they have deals like this when they open. Nice buys!

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4 minutes ago, Vosgar said:

They're building a new Costco about 5 minutes from my house, the first in our area, and I hope they have deals like this when they open. Nice buys!

Never ever seen BT lines at Costco in Florida........  Strict allocations to ABC Wine and occasionally to Total Wine and that's it (1 bottle per customer).  

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2 hours ago, Whitewhale said:

Not everyday you run into these at Costco.   Had my brother pick up 2 EHT SmB ($35.99 per), 3 ERs ($28.99 per) and 2 Blantons ($53.99 per).   He picked up a bunch as well.  


Costco BT-min.JPG

New Jersey?

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So I was on my way out of the LS after Mrs PG found her Sea Dog Blueberry ale and some Strawberry ale by Abita. Just by accident I  took another turn down the aisle where the bourbon and rye bottles are stocked. On one side of the aisle, OGD114 stocked in depth at $20 for a 750. On the other side, Weller Special Reserve in depth at $19 for a 750 and $34 for a 1.75L. It was a dilemma among the lower priced bottles until I saw the 1L bottles of SR priced at $21. My New England born cheapskate streak rose up and I took the bargain  bottle home. Stress avoided.

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56 minutes ago, Postal Grunt said:

On one side of the aisle, OGD114 stocked in depth at $20 for a 750. On the other side, Weller Special Reserve in depth at $19 for a 750 and $34 for a 1.75L. It was a dilemma among the lower priced bottles until I saw the 1L bottles of SR priced at $21

Good grief, you guys have some incredibly low pricing and availability. ?Sigh.

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10 hours ago, WillyP said:

Good grief, you guys have some incredibly low pricing and availability. ?Sigh.

The LS is the largest on the SW side of KC in Overland Park, KS. It's best described as an 800 pound gorilla store with floor space as large as some grocery stores so I suspect that they can get quantity and price offers from distributors before smaller stores have their chance. They also have a powerful A/C system which makes shopping there a logical choice during the heat wave we're currently experiencing. Yes, we do appreciate Mr Carrier's, the guy who developed A/C, efforts out here. 

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5 hours ago, Postal Grunt said:

The LS is the largest on the SW side of KC in Overland Park, KS. It's best described as an 800 pound gorilla store with floor space as large as some grocery stores so I suspect that they can get quantity and price offers from distributors before smaller stores have their chance. They also have a powerful A/C system which makes shopping there a logical choice during the heat wave we're currently experiencing. Yes, we do appreciate Mr Carrier's, the guy who developed A/C, efforts out here. 

I've been to that store.  They almost always seem to have tons of WSR.  It's where I've found CEHT Single Barrel in the $40s on sale and a deal on Talisker Storm for $35is.

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Weller whore that I am, I’d be buying a couple of cases of Weller SR at that price. :P


Biba! Joe



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Picked up a couple bottles of WSR after work.  Have not had any at home for awhile due to the price silliness. Found these two at not much more than I used to pay, so all is good. 

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