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Bourbon in the Movies


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Not pictured but aptly described by Humpery Bogart as Sam Spade when he says to a woman, "I've got a bottle of pretty good Rye in my pocket".

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Remembered a few minutes ago that there was bourbon in the Last House on the Left remake that I saw a few weeks back. I'm not sure of the brand or if they actually show the label, I'm thinking Jim Beam or Evan Williams but I'm not really sure at this point.

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If this has been called I'm sorry. I was watching Grind House the other night...Odd movie but Kurt Russel is driving a 69 Charger and opens the glove box pulling out a 5th of Four Roses yellow label to kill the pain of being shot in the arm.


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In the movie Elegy, Ben Kingsley pours a Maker's Mark for himself and his son, played by Peter Sarsgaard. The bottle is featured prominently as it sits on a table between them during a conversation.

I wouldn't recommend seeing this movie, even though you get to see Penelope Cruz naked several times...nice, as well as three squash scenes. Ben Kingsley is just not convincing at all.

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Argh... that should read "Later in the same movie, Evil Dead Trap, one of the characters lights his cigarette in front of a table that has some cosmetics and a bottle of Wild Turkey on it. I'm not sure which one because we don't see the whole bottle.". Not sure how I managed that one or how what I said in the original post would even be possible... lol

Hey gothbat. Isn't that movie from Japan? Maybe it's a bottle of export only WT 12yo.

(BTW-I used to collect eurotrash and some Asian flicks back in the days of vhs. No websites. Placed orders by flyer-type catalogs. Many were bootlegs. I used to jump through hoops for lousy copies and now I see some of the same titles on dvd in BestBuy.)

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Hey gothbat. Isn't that movie from Japan? Maybe it's a bottle of export only WT 12yo.

(BTW-I used to collect eurotrash and some Asian flicks back in the days of vhs. No websites. Placed orders by flyer-type catalogs. Many were bootlegs. I used to jump through hoops for lousy copies and now I see some of the same titles on dvd in BestBuy.)

Yep, that's the one; saw the "sequel" a week or two ago and figured I'd revisit the first one.

It's hard to say on the bottle because I can't quite match it with any of the current labels but the movie is 20 or so years old so that may be due to a label change. I'm thinking it's one of the lower proofed expressions though because the foil at the top of the neck is gold. I added a picture, maybe someone can say what it is for sure.

I remember well those days, back before most imports had a legit, uncut, domestic release! My first copy of this movie was actually one of those "collector's tapes", I think I got it at a convention or in a trade with someone on another forum. I usually can't get into the Japanese horror but this one wasn't bad, I mostly watch Italian movies, giallo especially (I've often considered started a Scotch in the Movies thread in the Foreign Whiskey section so I have a place to log all the J&B bottles I spot! :] ).

I've never seen the movie but your avatar makes me think of Danger: Diabolik.


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I usually can't get into the Japanese horror but this one wasn't bad, I mostly watch Italian movies, giallo especially (I've often considered started a Scotch in the Movies thread in the Foreign Whiskey section so I have a place to log all the J&B bottles I spot! :] ).

I've never seen the movie but your avatar makes me think of Danger: Diabolik.

I like Argento and Bava and have a few of their films, but I've probably read about more giallo than I've actually seen.

The avatar is from the Italian website for the comic book Diabolik. The movie Danger: Diabolik is good fun. The sound track is a Morricone gem.

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I like Argento and Bava and have a few of their films, but I've probably read about more giallo than I've actually seen.

The avatar is from the Italian website for the comic book Diabolik. The movie Danger: Diabolik is good fun. The sound track is a Morricone gem.

I've been checking out Mario Bava's stuff lately since I found two box sets of his movies for like $15 each on Amazon a few months back, I definitely like his movies better than most of his son's movies! One of these days I'm going to get around to checking out Danger: Diabolik, it wasn't in either box. As for giallo, they go great with a nice pour; if I have one I've been really wanting to see I'll usually save it for a time when I have time for both!

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I have been watching 1000 ways to die and many times in describing what leads up to someones death they add that the person was drinking bourbon but always show them drinking a made up brand.

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In last night's episode of "The Big Bang Theory," a few characters went to a bar. There was a bottle of Blanton's prominently displayed at the bar.

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  • 4 weeks later...

I was watching The Soup this past weekend and it had a bottle of Evan Williams black label in one of its fake clips. Hard to explain if you have never seen the show. It was a bottle of EWBL only with the Evan Williams name blacked out.

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Saw Star Trek last night (this morning really) and noticed that the young Kirk orders "a shot of Jack" at the bar, and tries to order one for Uhura too.

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Wow, I just saw a witch doctor of some sort taking swigs from a bottle of Wild Turkey, some of them he swallowed and some of them he spit in what seemed to be a ritual to cure the sick of his tribe. (No subtitles on what he's saying so I don't really know; next he ripped the head off a chicken, sucked the blood, and spit it out.) All this and more in the extremely entertaining Ebola Syndrome!

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A couple of folks have mentioned Special Agent Jethro Gibbs from NCIS... his character is a bourbon drinker ... I think they are deliberately rotating the brands in his workshop. I have seen him drink Maker's, Wild Turkey, I think Ten High, and maybe one or two more. Another reason why I like NCIS so much ...

RE: Sam Raimi ... I believe he has been quoted as saying ..."All my villians will drink Maker's Mark!" ... and he places it without any payment from Maker's.

Speaking of Maker's fans ... Sandra Bullock is among them. In the movie "The Devine Secrets of the Ya Ya Sisterhood" she threw in a plug for Maker's ... I have heard it wasn't even in the script. Something like ...Well, here we are, sittin' around, drinking our Maker's Mark ...

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I was watching Two and Half Men last night and they were sitting at their kitchen table drinking pours from a Woodford Reserve bottle and a large 1.5? Litre handle next to it. Couldn't see what the handle was but i think it was bourbon...

Woodford Reserve seems to have made several appearances on that show. I spied a bottle out on the deck one evening near the end of the program.

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I ahve noticed many episodes on repeat of "The West Wing" where there is whiskey in a decanter sitting and being used in the oval office. The color suggests that it is indeed Bourbon.

Scotch would not be that dark.

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I ahve noticed many episodes on repeat of "The West Wing" where there is whiskey in a decanter sitting and being used in the oval office. The color suggests that it is indeed Bourbon.

Scotch would not be that dark.

On a similar note, on Desperate Housewives last night, there was a scene in which someone pours someone else a "Scotch" from what appears to be a Blanton's bottle.

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I was watching a rerun of Scrubs and I saw a bottle of Four Roses yellow label by its self on a table next to a ice bucket in one of the doctors homes.

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In keeping with the NCIS theme ... last night (Season 6, Episode 24, "Semper Fidelis") ... there were two misdirections ...

Near the beginning of the show, there is a bottle of Blanton's on the poker table ... it has, however been re-labeled with a fake Scotch label ... something like 12 year old McGillway Single Highland Malt Scotch Whisky.

Near the end of the show in Gibbs' basement ... where we usually see Gibs and his friends drinking bourbon from whatever they can find to hold the bourbon ... a coffee mug, straight from the bottle, hardware organizing glass jars ... they had a Maker's Mark bottle ... with no wax ... the raised shoulder emblem is visible, too ... the bottle had been labeled "The Glen Edinburgh ... 12 year old Pure Single Malt Scotch Whisky" ... another fake. The Secretary of the Navy brought in the bottle ... had Gibs offered the bottle, I'm sure it would have been bourbon ... I hope he hasn't gone over to the dark ... er ... light side...

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In keeping with the NCIS theme ... last night (Season 6, Episode 24, "Semper Fidelis") ... there were two misdirections ...

Near the beginning of the show, there is a bottle of Blanton's on the poker table ... it has, however been re-labeled with a fake Scotch label ... something like 12 year old McGillway Single Highland Malt Scotch Whisky.

Near the end of the show in Gibbs' basement ... where we usually see Gibs and his friends drinking bourbon from whatever they can find to hold the bourbon ... a coffee mug, straight from the bottle, hardware organizing glass jars ... they had a Maker's Mark bottle ... with no wax ... the raised shoulder emblem is visible, too ... the bottle had been labeled "The Glen Edinburgh ... 12 year old Pure Single Malt Scotch Whisky" ... another fake. The Secretary of the Navy brought in the bottle ... had Gibs offered the bottle, I'm sure it would have been bourbon ... I hope he hasn't gone over to the dark ... er ... light side...

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My wife watches NCIS but I don't.

I would have thought if they went to the trouble of a fake label they would have replaced the stopper. A bottle of scotch with a horse and rider stopper doesn't make sense.

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"Our Man in Havana" was a comedic spy film from 1959. I just watched it the other night. Can't beat the ever-solid acting by Sir Alec Guinness. In the film he is recruited by the English secret service to do some work in Havana, Cuba. Toward the end of the film he plays checkers with a police lieutenant (played with gusto by Ernie Kovacs ) using mini bottles of booze. When the opponent takes a piece he downs the juice! Bourbon vs. Scotch. It was a fun film, to say the least.


I spotted a bottle of J.W. Dant and Old Crow, and possibly an Old Grand Dad. Now that's a game of checkers I'd play for keeps!

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  • 2 weeks later...

A bottle of Jim Beam White seen in the background behind the counter at a restaurant while an employee tells about the installation of a Futuro home in their town in Futuro: A New Stance for Tomorrow.

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I was watching the latest episode of Harper's Island last night, and the sheriff poured something into a coffee mug. I had it on DVR, so I was able to pause/play it back to see what it was. The label said Parker's Bourbon, and didn't look like anything I've ever seen. And no, it wasn't Parker's Heritage, probably a made-up label.

Edit: Just played it back again to have another look. There is a lot of glare on part of the bottle, so it's hard to see the first letter, but I think it may actually be Barker's Bourbon. The bottle is also tinted brown.

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In the tv show 30 rock liz lemon is at her high school reunion and walks up to the bar and ask for a manhatten and the bartender say sure what kind of bourbon and she quickly says white wine spritzer please. Lol the way it played out was really funny

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