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Bourbon in the Movies


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Watching the NFL Network they ran a show called Top Ten Games With Names and the number 2 game was the Ice Bowl in green bay in 67

in it they show the stands and there is a guy tipping back a bottle of JBW

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A bottle of Jim Beam White can be seen in Monica's apartment in Una Sull'altra (Perversion Story) right before George's girlfriend calls.

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  • 4 weeks later...

In The Nicholas Pileggi book Wiseguy, which Goodfellas was based on, he talks about how the character Joe Pesci played in real life was such a criminal he even drank illegal booze. In the 60's you could not get Crown Royal in the US, and that was his drink of choice. He had it bootlegged since he could not buy it legally here.

In the famous scene with all of the guys around the table that Pesci pretends he is upset at Henry (Funny how, no I don't know, you said it Henry what is so funny about me?) You can see a blue bag of crown on the table.

Not that it is Bourbon, but just thought it fit in here anyway. One of many reasons it is my favorite movie of all time. The attention to detail Scorsese had was amazing.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Two Lovers (an awful chick flick) has Gwenyth Paltrow's married boyfriend ordering a "Maker's Mark on the rocks" while she drinks a brandy alexander (yuck)

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In Bikini Bloodbath Carwash (Hilarious movie, btw!) Todd and his friends arrive at the party and Mrs. Johnson tosses him a bottle of "Camel Toe Quality Poon Tang Liquor", which he chugs in what I assume is a reference to Animal House (iirc). The bottle has a home made label and there is black tape over where the name would appear on the sides but we can tell by a brief glimpse of the rest of the side label that it's really a bottle of Jim Beam!

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Hey Gothbat, I don't know if Bourbon makes an appearance but since you liked Bikini Bloodbath Carwash you might also like Ginger Deadman. At least check out the trailer.

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I've seen that one around but haven't checked it out yet, just looked on imdb.com and I'm liking the titles of the sequels; part two is "The Passion of the Crust" and part three is "Saturday Night Cleaver". lol Didn't realize it was a Charles Band movie until now, the few movies of his that I've seen (Evil Bong, Dollman vs. Demonic Toys) were entertaining so I'll probably check it out soon and will definitely report any bourbon sightings! :]

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Watched The Right Stuff on TiVo last night, and near the beginning Chuck Yeager seems to be drinking JD from the bottle at his table. Tried to get a look at what was behind the bar but I couldn't.

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In Ghosts of Girlfriends Past, both Matthew McConaughey and Michael Douglas drink Jack Daniel's.

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Thought you never see the bottles, both Wild Turkey and Old Grand Dad have been referenced in episodes of King of the Hill

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Hey Gothbat, I don't know if Bourbon makes an appearance but since you liked Bikini Bloodbath Carwash you might also like Ginger Deadman. At least check out the trailer.

Well, there was no real bourbon in this movie, there is a bottle of "Jim Daniels" featured a couple of times though. Overall it was an awful movie so save your money and get one of the Bikini Bloodbath movies instead if you watch movies like this! I had high hopes (looked fun + has Gary Busey) for this one too. The box on this one said 70 minutes but I think it was actually shorter than that, around 50 minutes iirc.

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Strange, I just checked the disc and the movie was 71 minutes long. I could have sworn it was only 50 because that's what I remember the DVD player saying when it ended and I was happy it was short but apparently not...

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A new TNT program, The Philanthropist has a bourbon drinker for the main character. In the 2nd episode (I didn't see the first) he goes into bar and orders Blanton. However, his respect for bourbon (and other spirits) is definitely called into question later when he totally destroys a wall of spirits in a different bar (he was upset with the owner of the bar for very good reason).


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In the movie Mrs March the bottle is not seen but a charter makes a reference to "Markers and coke". Also a bottle of JD shows up a few times

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Not really a movie but i was watching the comedy series 'How i met your mother' last night and they were in a bar and in the background JB, JD & WT were displayed quite clearly.

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Not a movie either, but saw a bottle of WTRB in a rerun of NCIS tonight. Joe

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I saw an episode of House ("Frozen"), and he was drinking from a bottle of Whitestock Kentucky Whiskey. And he told someone that it was bourbon when they mistook it for scotch.

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  • 2 weeks later...

There are a few shots of a handle of Old Crow in the movie Scarecrow. I think there is also a bottle of Jim Beam but it's never clear enough to tell.

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Maker's Mark and Evan Williams Black make a brief, very brief, appearance in the movie Burn after reading. There could have been others but the scene when so fast I couldn't identify all of the bottles.

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In The Janitor we can see a bottle of Wild Turkey 101 behind the bar as the bartender tells Lionel to take it outside.

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The creepy guy from the convenience store swaggers up at the teens camp site with his buddy and a bottle of JB White in Motor Home Massacre.

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After a close call with a body in the attic and before she is murdred Morgan reaches for some IW Harper Gold Medal and takes a couple of swigs in The House on Sorority Row.

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