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What bourbon are you drinking today? Autumn '12

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Cracked a bottle of FRSB TPS OESO a couple nights ago. Aged 10yrs 9 months. Delicious

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Reminiscent of Old Grand Dad but at a higher price, well, think I'll wait.

Edited by squire
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Reminiscent of Old Grand Dad but at a higher price, well, think I'll wait.
Old Grand Dad BIB

Think of it as Old Grand Dad Cask Strength Single Barrel. I'm not trying to justify price.

Edited by wripvanwrinkle
Removed snarkyness
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Old Grand Dad Cask Strength Single Barrel. But don't worry. Just in case there is any confusion, I'll make sure that they don't save you one.

I'll clarify and say that it is reminiscent of early 80's glut OGD114 and not what is currently available. I would certainly pay a small premium for some of the very early bottlings of OGD114. For the record, the older OGD's are better and not quite as hot. This Willett is in the ball park (albeit more expensive than both the 80's and current pricing on that).

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I'm having some PVW23 that's been sitting in my cabinet for 3 or 4 years. It's an older "A" bottle with the wax top. I think I paid $150 for it. I don't remember the nose being this pleasant. My real take away from this one is that it would be a lot better at a higher proof. I guess I could go that route but won't tonight. This is a very good whiskey, but not worth $250 that it now costs in my opinion no matter what distillery it came from.

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Relaxing after work with some FR '09 Mariage. This, kids, is what bourbon is all about. Delicious ... :grin:

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Pardon me Eric, I'm not a provocateur, just an aficionado who brings some experience to the table. I had my first drink of Old Grand Dad BIB in June, 1965, and my most recent one, well, a few minutes ago. Between those pours there have been a lot of bottles of good Bourbons, single malts, single barrels, limited editions, etc., and about a half century later I'm still alive to tell the tale. I was there when Old Fitzgerald was the real deal but if I were given a pour today of pre 1960 distilled Old Grand Dad and one of recent make in a blind tasting I'm pretty sure I could identify the older expression on scent but doubt I could tell the difference on taste alone with 100 per cent accuracy.

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Pardon me Squire, I'm just a less experienced bourbon geek that posted an opinion. No where above did I challenge yours.

In honesty I didn't understand why you felt the need to dissaprove of a local barrel purchase from a store that was 1,200 miles away. With respect to that, I posted some sarcasm. To my credit, I immediately cleaned that up. Sadly, I did not do so quickly enough.

I hope that there are no hard feelings.

To Brad: I see what you are saying about the ND influence though this reminds me of Beam. I guess that I'm in the very small minority that thinks that is a good thing.

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OGD 114 all week. After having gone through about 3 bottles over the last year or so, I'm still impressed by the price/value ratio of this bottling.

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I happen to love the stuff but it's definitely not for everyone. Give it another whirl in a few days and see what you think. It may have greater appeal to those who also love scotch due to the unusual port finish.

So I had another pour of this tonight after about a week. Has some heat in the beginning that I don't remember from the first time. Still not my thing but not because its bad. I will probably sit on it for a month or so and revisit it then.

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I opened a bottle of VOB BiB last night to put the brakes on a cold creeping up on me, and got soot. My last bottle, upon first opening, was full of sour bananas that dissipated after a few weeks of breathing, so I'm hoping the soot in this bottle goes the same way.

I followed it up with a bottle that appears to be quite popular around here of late: OGD114. Not an off note to be found. It's the only product I find that Beam does well.

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Last night, a 50/50 blend of FR1B and WSR. Having enjoyed the FRsmB and FR Yellow to varying degrees, I was caught off guard by the profile of FR1B (or at least this bottle). Came across to me as thin and spicy, and was not "opening up" with 1/2 the bottle gone. Anyway, I thought a blend with WSR was worth a try, and it worked out nicely to my taste. Balanced each other out well, and better than each on its own imho. Sometimes ya gotta improvise...

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Last night, a 50/50 blend of FR1B and WSR. Having enjoyed the FRsmB and FR Yellow to varying degrees, I was caught off guard by the profile of FR1B (or at least this bottle). Came across to me as thin and spicy, and was not "opening up" with 1/2 the bottle gone. Anyway, I thought a blend with WSR was worth a try, and it worked out nicely to my taste. Balanced each other out well, and better than each on its own imho. Sometimes ya gotta improvise...

If you like to do some mingling of whiskeys you owe it to yourself to read some Gary Gillman posts. He's been on the forum since 2002, has 8313 posts and is our resident expert of the art. Maybe you have already but just thought I'd mention it. And your combo makes absolute sense with the two you used. Suprised to hear of a 4R1B being thin but that's the gamble of single barrels.

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A good pour of Virgin 7yr 101 pr. Dang Alabama's got everything going for it these days...

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That's $11 well spent!

You bet C2. Is there a more unknown, greater, bang-for-yoru-buck whiskey out there? I hate to repeat this for the fortyeleventiath time...but, if you're disappointed in WT these days, hunt this one down.


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