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What Bourbon Did You Purchase Today? - Fall 2012

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My PVW day will come when it appears in the Memphis market...Today I bought FRSmB for 21.99...what a steal!

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My favorite Chicago franchise comes through yet again for me this weekend,FR SmB LE '11,'12,FRSB LE '12,Willett 8yr.x2 and a WT Tradition.

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My favorite Chicago franchise comes through yet again for me this weekend,FR SmB LE '11,'12,FRSB LE '12,Willett 8yr.x2 and a WT Tradition.

Hell of a nice haul Ryan. Enjoy that 2012 SmB. It's fantastic

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My favorite Chicago franchise comes through yet again for me this weekend,FR SmB LE '11,'12,FRSB LE '12,Willett 8yr.x2 and a WT Tradition.

Great pickups. Wasn't that line of Willetts we sampled kick ass?

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Time for me to kick in a bottle for the liquor cabinet at my synagogue, so I picked up a 750 of OGD 86 proof. We're a very traditional, old-school European congregation with working-class roots, though these days we're mostly college students, academics and professionals. Every Saturday, we serve a sit-down lunch after Sabbath services; nothing fancy, usually tuna and egg-salad sandwiches, salad, etc. At lunch, whiskey, vodka, brandy and liquers are set out, and people might have a half-ounce thimblefull or two.

For home, I picked up an OGD114 because my current bottle is just past half-empty. For $21/750ml, it's an amazing value.

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Vintage 17 year - Wheated recipe

2012 4RSB LE x2


2012 Birthday Bourbon

Evan Williams Vintage 2002 - Special barrel selected

2012 Stagg

2012 WLW

2012 Saz18

2012 Handy

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ORVW 10/107

Lot B

PVW 15

Willett Family 7yr ( Store selected barrel )

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Thanks for the approval on my picks my wife wasn't as enthusiastic.:hot:I did enjoy the Willetts as well,I can't wait to delve back into that 8yr with a group of friends here very soon.

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Hell of a nice haul Ryan. Enjoy that 2012 SmB. It's fantastic
Great pickups. Wasn't that line of Willetts we sampled kick ass?

Thanks for the enthusiasm on my picks the wife wasn't as excited,I really enjoyed the Willetts as well, and look to delve back into that 8yr. wheater with some friends quite soon.

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Scored 4 bottles of TPS label 4RSB from another Hawaii member that brought in a case. Thank you again Maui, I cant wait to try it. Coincidentally the case purchase was made the day my daughter was born so 1 bottle will be put off to the side for a special occasion.

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Wild Turkey Rye 101

Bakers - Old Label

Calling my local shop every week for their next shipment of BT products, hasnt hit CA yet to my knowledge.

Was reading all these prices on VW Rye on the last couple pages and I also paid $180 in CA for it in August. Got a 15 for $140 also. freaking prices are ridiculous out here, but atleast my brother bought the 15 from me for what I paid. : )

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Good week so far. One of my clients gave me a bottle of George T Stagg as a present for some work I did for him. It was nice to be appreciated. Then I walked into a store I check in on occasionally and found 3 bottles of Saz 18 just sitting on the shelf. That place is becoming a must stop for me. Last time I went in I found a bottle of the 2009 4R Mariage.

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Scored 4 bottles of TPS label 4RSB from another Hawaii member that brought in a case. Thank you again Maui, I cant wait to try it. Coincidentally the case purchase was made the day my daughter was born so 1 bottle will be put off to the side for a special occasion.

Via email, I asked JR for details about my case of FR1B (distilled April 8, 2004) and he replied:

The barrel in which your six bottles of Four Roses Single Barrel were aged was filled on April 14, 2004. The barrel was dumped on 8/17/12 and bottled on 8/23/12. The age of Bourbon is calculated based on the day the barrel is filled and the day the barrel is dumped, so the age of the Bourbon you purchased is 8 years 4 months.

Four Roses has 20 single story rack warehouses and the barrel in which your Bourbon was aged from the day it was entered until the day it was withdrawn for dumping was: the south side of R warehouse (RS,) the 80th rick, the 2nd tier and 18 deep into the rick (R = the 18th letter in the alphabet.)

Each warehouse covers nearly one acre of land, and each is divided into 2 halves (north/south or east/west.) There are 90 rick locations on each side of a warehouse (45 on each side of the aisle) and barrels are racked 6 tiers high in each rick location. “2R” = the second tier and 18 deep into the rick.

Many liquor stores – including Party Source – often purchase private barrels which will be bottled at barrel strength, and these barrel selections are open to all 10 recipes; however, OBSV is always used for the 100 proof program.

[side note - Jim calls 6 bottles a case, but TPS calls 12 bottles a case]

I must be stung by the bourbon bee, 'cause I'm guzzling up this geeky detail.

Edited by MauiSon
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I too swallowed the bait hook, line and sinker. I knew where about 8 bottles had been last week. I already had a couple and had tried it and enjoyed it so I went to see if I could pick up a couple more. By the time I arrived they were down to three with several other people having bought bottles earlier today. I bought two and left one for the next person on the prowl.

Might make a nice bottle for trade down the road and if not I already know I will enjoy them myself when the time comes!

Same store still has a pile of 2011 LE Single Barrel sitting on the shelf for a couple bucks more than the 2012 SmB LE. I get the feeling they might stay there a while.

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Hmmd and Hawed for awhile, before finally putting the 2012 19 yr and 23 yr BTEC's in my shopping cart today. The last couple releases have not intrigued me much, but for some reason these do.

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I was just in there for beer, but when I saw the 36 bottle entire-years-allocation of baby Saz hit the shelves, I couldn't resist and grabbed some. Even two years ago, this was readily available. The times they are a'changin'.

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2012 FRsB, signed by Jim Rutledge. Had to laugh, was heading to the store for the bottle, turned the corner to find Four Roses display and staff.

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I guess, I'm gullible to good marketing.

Have had my finger on the button for 4r sm btch LE for the last few weeks but haven't pushed it. However, with all this marketing how could I resist? After John listed it on his site #1, over all the BTAC and no mention of Parker's, which I love and have had a lot of, I got a bottle today of Jonn's #1, I'm not being sarcastic, he's right for my palette most of the time. I had a bottle of this in my shopping bag on K&L's site more than once the last week, but closed the link because I have a trip to Europe next month by myself and can go hunting whenever I please and who knows, maybe I'll find something great. Plus I have a few bottles of VW and others waiting in the best storage room I know back east.

At least now, I'm not going to miss John's highest scored whisk(e)y of the year. From the looks of it, I'm not the only one.

Is it really better than 2012 WLW and Parker's? I have quite a bias for wheat. I'll tell you what I think, when my friend delivers it tomorrow from 30 miles south of Los Angeles.

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Looks like this is turning into something like a run on the banks...

I went check out the supply of 4R 2012 SmBLE at one of my favorite stores. They still have several bottles of it (and I picked one up for the bunker, so now I have one open and one unopened).

Inexplicably...all the 4R Yellow Label, and all the non-LE SmB and the two bottles of 1B LE 2012 that I saw there on the weekend were nowhere to be seen. Only the regular 1B was left, next to the SmBLE.


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