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What Bourbon Did You Purchase Today? - Fall 2012

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Bottle of CEHT Rye today and a JPS 18yr about a week ago.

Hoping for some PHC soon, sent a email to HH to see if I can drum some up this way with my local guy. Had success before with writing in before, we'll see where this one goes.


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I went to Binny's in Skokie tonight, in search of 10/107 ORVW.

I struck out.

I decided to console myself with OFBB 2012.

This is amazing consolation.

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I bought three bottles of the 2012 Limited Edition Four Roses Small Batch from an online Etailer.

Today I received from them three bottles of the standard everyday shelf inventory Four Roses Small Batch.

I got ripped off by the tune of $150.00 and $25.00 for shipping.

No reply to my phone voice mail message and/or email.:rolleyes:

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I bought three bottles of the 2012 Limited Edition Four Roses Small Batch from an online Etailer.

Today I received from them three bottles of the standard everyday shelf inventory Four Roses Small Batch.

I got ripped off by the tune of $150.00 and $25.00 for shipping.

No reply to my phone voice mail message and/or email.:rolleyes:

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Went out on a bit of a limb in buying a BT. Tried it some time ago via several bottles from variety of years. Found a musty, grassy element that repulsed me. I was so disappointed that I swore to never buy again. However, went by a store today having tasting of a pvt barrel from BT. Much smoother & no musty grass. Went ahead & dropped $25 to take 1 home. I don't know why this barrel was so much better than those in the past...one of which was also a pvt barrel.....maybe more age, better warehouse location , holiday

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I found a single bottle.

No one praised me. :(

You gotta attach a picture. I got a bottle of it too but not a word.

This week I got a friend a PVW 20, PHC 6, JPS 18, 2012 THH, Tornado, A bowman sm btch, 2012 OFBB and single barrel selections of OWA, 4Roses special selection of anniversary, EC18, ET Lee!

If this doesn't work, I'll try a an image.

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UGH! Oscar, that stinks! Keep us posted on what happens.
That's just wrong. We should all bombard them with calls/emails. Who done it?
Hopefully an honest mistake that they make right. If not sic your credit card company on them.

If I don't hear from them by Monday then I'll cancel the transaction on my credit card.

I'm sure that will get a responce.

I gotta cut these guys some slack, they've had some hard times recentley in NJ.

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If I don't hear from them by Monday then I'll cancel the transaction on my credit card.

I'm sure that will get a responce.

I gotta cut these guys some slack, they've had some hard times recentley in NJ.


I'd definitely contact the credit card company.

Years ago my wife ordered three bar stools for our kitchen counter. The manufacturer made them the wrong height. I did not have any success with the company about correcting this so I went to the credit card company. They did their investigation and then cancelled the charges entirely. I was easily able to modify the stools to the correct height without a noticeable modification.

You may end up with the three bottles of bourbon and no bill.

Good luck.


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With all the fine whisk(e)y available at the South Loop Binny's I still only came home with one bottle of bourbon yesterday...JTS Brown BIB. Cheap bastard or deep bunker? You call it.:lol:

P.S.--I came home with twenty other fine whiskeys in my belly, if that counts for anything.

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I bought three bottles of the 2012 Limited Edition Four Roses Small Batch from an online Etailer.

Today I received from them three bottles of the standard everyday shelf inventory Four Roses Small Batch.

I got ripped off by the tune of $150.00 and $25.00 for shipping.

No reply to my phone voice mail message and/or email.:rolleyes:

Sorry to hear about that, Oscar. I'm sure you'll be able to work it out one way or another, either with the retailer or your credit card company. Still, it's very disapppointing to open the box and discover that you've been sent the wrong items. Bummer!

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You gotta attach a picture. I got a bottle of it too but not a word.

This week I got a friend a PVW 20, PHC 6, JPS 18, 2012 THH, Tornado, A bowman sm btch, 2012 OFBB and single barrel selections of OWA, 4Roses special selection of anniversary, EC18, ET Lee!

If this doesn't work, I'll try a an image.

Nice find on the VWFRR JRM. You done good too. :woohoo:

In for a penny.......:grin:

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Nice find on the VWFRR JRM. You done good too. :woohoo:

In for a penny.......:grin:

Missed you yesterday, Joe. Hope you had a good day at your event.

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With all the fine whisk(e)y available at the South Loop Binny's I still only came home with one bottle of bourbon yesterday...JTS Brown BIB. Cheap bastard or deep bunker? You call it.:lol:

P.S.--I came home with twenty other fine whiskeys in my belly, if that counts for anything.

Not gonna make that call Hank.:rolleyes: I will only say that I came home from the KBF this year with a few inexpensive BIB's. JTS Brown was one of them. :cool: Cheers!

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Stagg, finally found one

Did you get it in the Mitten?

I totally struck out locally but thank the Lord I have kept in contact with some eBay sellers.

I got a Stagg and a WLarueW both 2012's for only $300.00 but that included shipping,...lucky me, right?:shocked:

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Picked up a FR SmB 2012 LE at the Binny's meet up last night. Couldn't wait to crack it open tonight, and it is just amazing stuff. That Willett 8 year is pretty delicious. Might have to grab one of those too.

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Picked up a FR SmB 2012 LE at the Binny's meet up last night. Couldn't wait to crack it open tonight, and it is just amazing stuff. That Willett 8 year is pretty delicious. Might have to grab one of those too.

Couldn't have said it better myself. That FR is devine. Good meeting you this weekend

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Picked up a FR SmB 2012 LE at the Binny's meet up last night. Couldn't wait to crack it open tonight, and it is just amazing stuff. That Willett 8 year is pretty delicious. Might have to grab one of those too.

They really need to get this in Michigan.

Best regards, Tony

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Make a trek to Atlanta the other day after my guy put back all the things I needed over the last month. Unfortunately Pappy did not hit yet.

Came back with 2 more 12 Stagg's, 1 WLW, 1 Saz 18, had a THH but ended up taking it off the order...just did not feel it for $70 a bottle to its $55 from him last year when I got 3 bottles. Also threw in 2 Parker Heritage Bottles 6th edition, 1 Rittenhouse 100 Rye and went for a 21yr old Glenlevit Archive bottle ive never tried...got it for $99 which seemed like a steal from what ive seen online and local.

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3- PVW 20's

1- PVW 15


1- Lot B

2- ORVW 10/107

1- GTS

1- ER17

It was a good day.

Congrats Jared!

Sent from my PG86100 using Tapatalk 2

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