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What Beer Are You Drinking? Summer '13

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I bought this place out of that and the double trouble. Double Dog, more than any other beer I've had, reminds me of the amazing Dogfish 120.

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I have a love/hate relationship with DFH 120. When I love it, I love it. I have to be in the mood for that one. I actually think it's better at close to room temp...and we still get that one here for about $10 a bottle (expensive!)

I can see how you would make that correlation.

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DFH120 is not available here, but usually I'm lucky enough to have one smuggled in around Thanksgiving. Perhaps it's the rarity, or the time of year, but it's one that I feel extremely positively about. And you're right it's much better around 55-60 degrees.

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Good job Josh!

My gal has been gone all week, vacationing with her Mom. Glad to have her back, especially because she brought me beer! Having a Cigar City Brewing Florida Cracker right now. It's a white ale brewed with curaçao peel and coriander. It's super zesty with plenty of carb. Nothing too complex here, but certainly a nice easy drinker.

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Harviestough Old Engine Oil Reserve followed up by a Green Flash Double Stout,man am I loving this cool weather in June.I have been on a run with thick rich beer lately so I hope the weather sticks around so I can keep pounding away.

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My last can of Surly Furious. Luckily I'll be up in MN again in a few weeks to stock up on one of my favorite IPAs.

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Tyrarena Brewing Co. Scurvy IPA

Had this beer last night at DMK Burger with a lamb burger. Not much orange taste that they claim, but a decent IPA. Seasonal and Binny's HP only had one 6-pk left6d734944-467d-4417-946f-d9a3776672b8_zps2ce5df4a.jpg

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Wrapped some brews around the whiskey flight yesterday. Sixpoint Resin, Lagunitas Little Sumpin' Sumpin' Ale, Avery Old Jubilation Ale, and R.J. Rocker's Bell Ringer Ale.

Tasty stuff all around. Really impressed with the Resin. Old Jubilation was also surprisingly good. I guess it's a winter seasonal, I'll have to keep my eye out for it this year.

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Brux Domesticated Wild Ale, collab between Russian River and Sierra Nevada.

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Clown Shoes Blaecorn Unidragon I am still on the path of stouts and porters,cool weather has guided me along this path and so far no complaints.

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Hoppin' Frog Gangster Frog, FFF Blackheart, Stone Ruin Ten, schlafly bourbon barrel stout, thirsty dog barrel Siberian Night. Good beer night!

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Brux Domesticated Wild Ale, collab between Russian River and Sierra Nevada.
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I didn't find it to be overly hoppy or sour. Citrusy and farmy, I would say. Pretty nice and refreshing.

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OB Ten Fidy to start my afternoon. Chocolatey goodness, you guys.

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Last night it was Founders Rübæus. Apparently the replacement for Cerise due to the poor cherry crop this year. Quite nice and refreshing with a moderate impact from the raspberries without seeming artificial. A nice summer refresher. Next up is Sweetwater Blue with blueberries and 21st Amendments Hell or High Watermelon which I have tried before and found to be bit disappointing.

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GI Bourbon County Stout last night from 2006 and I can honestly say I've probably never had better.

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Sweetwater Georgia Brown and Bell's Two Hearted loaded in the cooler for this wet July 4th in Atlanta.

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Still mostly Guinness, but I have been trying a couple of rye ales lately that are pretty good: He-Brew (dedicated to the memory of Lenny Bruce - really), and Hop Rod from Bear Republic.

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It's raining cats and dogs here. Bought a four pack of Stone Ruination and just cracked one open. Good stuff.

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Consumer reports gave dfh 60 min a great rating. We sold out of 4 cases in a day.

They have shocktop wheat iPa a best buy. We don't carry it but I bet it is gone everywhere too.

I am drinking a stone ruinTen. A hops dance party in your mouth.

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Some more Double Trouble that I happened to wander apon today at a usually dismal store,I'm not complaining though as I haven't seen any around here in over a month.

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