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What Bourbon did you pass up today? Fall '13

Old Dusty
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Football season, leaves changing color, crisp clear days*and leaving overpriced/bad bourbon on the shelves. I'm passing on most things now to prepare for the limited release season.

* your results may vary depending on geographical location.

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Michters 10 year. $90.00 and the neck tag was gone so I couldn't see the batch. I still have a nearly full bottle at the house so I passed.

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The same nine bottles of WT Forgiven for $104.99. I figured she'll probably end up selling them but it won't be to a SB member.

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Bottles of '04 Kentucky spirit and '05 Blanton's, also some Charter 8 in older labels. a Bunch of stuff from Producers, not distillers....

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The same nine bottles of WT Forgiven for $104.99.

WHAT!? i saw it everywhere today for $50-60. i had no interest

i did pass on WFE 4yr rye nearly everywhere i went though, as i was looking for a WFE 6 or 8 year bourbon only....no luck. i had a giftcard and was looking for a nice treat. ill have to keep an eye out regularly i guess

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You do know that the 8 yr you sampled may very well be nothing like the one you eventually find in the store, right? Just checking.

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Eagle Rare 10 year old on a shelf in a restaurant espresso bar in Sicily. I saw it on the way out. No chance for a taste. Sorry for the shakey picture, but it gives you the idea.



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Eagle Rare 10 year old on a shelf in a restaurant espresso bar in Sicily. I saw it on the way out. No chance for a taste. Sorry for the shakey picture, but it gives you the idea.


Should have bought it and drink it at the hotel! :)

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The same nine bottles of WT Forgiven for $104.99. I figured she'll probably end up selling them but it won't be to a SB member.

Thats crazy, even here in Oz its retailing for $89 which I passed up on today, it was next to the RB which was $15 cheaper and had a chuckle to myself - no way am i buying the forgiven in a million years.

Also passed up on the WT spiced? WTF is this shit? Is "spiced" booze the new "honey"

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The spice wagon rolls around ever so often offering the next new permanent thing but is a disillusionment in an impermanent world.

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Passed on these today:

- tons of Forgiven, just not interested

-W12 $39.96 for a 750ml, just $15 too much

-ECBP 137 $42.99, already have a couple bottles, thanks to a generous SBer

-OFBB, $52.99, if it would've been 10 bucks cheaper I might have snagged a couple

-PHC 7, I understand the significance of this bottling, and I loves me some PHC, but I just couldn't talk myself into popping a hundo for this one

Edited by Phil T
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Passed on EC21. Price was "fair" but I'm not convinced I want one just yet. I imagine I'll have a slightly longer than normal window to change my mind.

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Passed on these today:

- tons of Forgiven, just not interested

-W12 $39.96 for a 750ml, just $15 too much

-ECBP 137 $42.99, already have a couple bottles, thanks to a generous SBer

-OFBB, $52.99, if it would've been 10 bucks cheaper I might have snagged a couple

-PHC 7, I understand the significance of this bottling, and I loves me some PHC, but I just couldn't talk myself into popping a hundo for this one

Dang! I've been hunting the ECBP 137 and the OFBB for weeks now, with no luck here in west central Florida!

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Not today but over the weekend a JB 200th '95@$300,Ritt 23 @$170 and a EC21 @$199 would have bought 2 of the 3 under normal pricing but,DAMN!

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post-10115-14489819798789_thumb.jpgPassed on EC21 today at $140. Has anyone else noticed an issue with quality control on this product? The bottle that I saw had a lousy cork seal, which resulted in obvious leakage from the bottle. You can see in the photos that the fill line was down to the upper shoulders, whereas all the other bottles (in 4 other stores) were all filled up to or above the neck ring/shrink wrap. And on top of that, you can see on the back label that the hand-numbered date is incorrect (5-29-09, which would make it a 4 year old!), but I suspect the year digits got transposed. You can also see a stain on the back label, where the leaked bourbon dribbled down the bottle. I rubbed my thumb across one of the stains (there were several on the exposed glass areas of the bottle, including right down the front of the bottle), and was struck by a strong barrel wood aroma. An easy pass for me.




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I saw four different Balcones offerings... all at around $50. These are new to my area; but I passed 'em by.

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I passed on Stag Jr new to this area $60.

Yeah, the highest that I have seen in the Indy area is $52.99 (my favorite store). I thought that was fair. I guess $60 is not out of line with some markups on other bourbons but I would have passed at $60 also. I do like it though.

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[ATTACH=CONFIG]16634[/ATTACH][ATTACH=CONFIG]16635[/ATTACH]Passed on EC21 today at $140. Has anyone else noticed an issue with quality control on this product? The bottle that I saw had a lousy cork seal, which resulted in obvious leakage from the bottle. You can see in the photos that the fill line was down to the upper shoulders, whereas all the other bottles (in 4 other stores) were all filled up to or above the neck ring/shrink wrap. And on top of that, you can see on the back label that the hand-numbered date is incorrect (5-29-09, which would make it a 4 year old!), but I suspect the year digits got transposed. You can also see a stain on the back label, where the leaked bourbon dribbled down the bottle. I rubbed my thumb across one of the stains (there were several on the exposed glass areas of the bottle, including right down the front of the bottle), and was struck by a strong barrel wood aroma. An easy pass for me.

Wow, interesting. You would think the store would see that and would either discount it, open it for a sample bottle (unlikely) or wipe it off.

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