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What bourbon did you pass up today? Winter '13/'14

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Bookers 25Th Anni. Perty looking packaging. HOwever, I am not completely sold on the juice at this point. I put it back on the shelf but, may end up grabbing it once I read a couple more reviews.

Any Thoughts???

Get it if you like Bookers.... Very good

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IF you would, simply post that you won't be buying the Orphan Barrel collection in the "what did you pass up today?" thread, I will vicariously live through you.

For me tonight it's Booker's roundtable. Yum yum. Opening up quite a bit.

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All of them. First week in nine months that I have not stopped at any store. Some serious purging going on. If I can go another week I'll make a nice dent in the bar and the stash.

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Bookers 25Th Anni. Perty looking packaging. HOwever, I am not completely sold on the juice at this point. I put it back on the shelf but, may end up grabbing it once I read a couple more reviews.

Any Thoughts???

Get it if you like Bookers.... Very good

I do like Bookers and the 10yr is definitely intriguing. If it is still around the local when I stop in next week I fear it will be coming home with me. If I do I'll be certain to post my thoughts.

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I did something previously unthinkable, which was to pass up two bottles of Weller 12 at at "the new normal" price (creeping ever closer to $30 a bottle). But the last few I've bought were a little underwhelming and I'm tired of feeling like I need to pounce on bottles that used to be easily found. It felt strangely good to walk away.

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Passed on the new Jefferson's Ocean, Booker's 25th, and JB SB, 12yr, and Spanish brandy. No interest in the Jeff, and the JB's are try-before-you-buy for me. I am interested in the new Booker's but the budget won't allow at the moment. May check back on it later.

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Here's how I saved $3.50 yesterday, while in NM. Seeing it behind the counter, the "6" caught my eye, and I thought it might be the 6 / 86 that I've never seen before...alas, it was merely 80. Which begs the question: why is (was?) there a 6 / 80, anyway?

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Wild Turkey Tradition. Just not sure I want to spend $110 on a distillery I don't have my bearings with yet.

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Booker's 25th at $125. Incredibly easy pass.

Incredibly? I'm intrigued by your choice of that adjective. Can go many ways with it, I guess, but interested just the same.

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Incredibly? I'm intrigued by your choice of that adjective. Can go many ways with it, I guess, but interested just the same.
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I like Bookers. However, an extra couple of years of aging and a fancy bottle doesn't justify more than doubling the price. The suggested retail is a third more than BTAC. That is how I feel about the suggested retail on the Bookers 25th. Increase that by another $25, and it was not only easy for me to pass up, but incredibly easy (as opposed to being incredibly difficult).

Am I alone in feeling this stuff is very overpriced?

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I bought mine for $91. After trying it I immediately went back and looked for another but too bad so sad, they were all gone.

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I like Bookers. However, an extra couple of years of aging and a fancy bottle doesn't justify more than doubling the price. The suggested retail is a third more than BTAC. That is how I feel about the suggested retail on the Bookers 25th. Increase that by another $25, and it was not only easy for me to pass up, but incredibly easy (as opposed to being incredibly difficult).

Am I alone in feeling this stuff is very overpriced?

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If I locate one in my area, I will buy one at retail but no more than that.

I don't often buy Booker's at its current retail price, so I would be hard-pressed to justify spending any more than that on the special release.

I am saving up to buy every bottle I can of the ETL commemorative release haha. It is my hands-down favorite everyday pour, so I would like to have a long supply to pour out in memory of the old man...

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Passed on Jefferson's Ocean (not at all interested) and the new Dickel Corn Whiskey (interested but it was $28.99, same as the white label).

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...and the new Dickel Corn Whiskey (interested but it was $28.99, same as the white label).

That does sound really high. I picked up a bottle in January while driving through Tennessee on biz. Picked it up early in my travels at the absolute highest price that I saw it, because I didn't know any better. It became a personal joke (kept me entertained...) during my 1,000 mile drive, that the next store would always seem to have it at even a lower price than the last! :lol: For context, I paid ~$17. FWIW, it's not a bad white dog whiskey.

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Passed on WT101 @ $29.99. :shocked: Got it two weeks ago for $19.99 but that may have been at my other spot.

I'll find out Friday.

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Passed on WT101 @ $29.99. :shocked: Got it two weeks ago for $19.99 but that may have been at my other spot.

I'll find out Friday.

damn, I saw it last week for $18

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WT101 went up in my area also to $25, seen some at $30 but prior month was at $21. Oh how I love the times of high demand.

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While I enjoy the Booker's 25th I had to let it go today @ $125.00. I may have to find a new place to shop. Something was said like "I hope the distributor didn't over charge me!" After I pointed out I had already purchased one for $100. Anyway, I'm not buying the story. Maybe someone can enlighten me as to what their opinion is on the matter. It really chaps my ass too because up until this point this stores prices had been reasonable and sometimes lower than anyone else around. All good things must come to an end I guess.

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While I enjoy the Booker's 25th I had to let it go today @ $125.00. I may have to find a new place to shop. Something was said like "I hope the distributor didn't over charge me!" After I pointed out I had already purchased one for $100. Anyway, I'm not buying the story. Maybe someone can enlighten me as to what their opinion is on the matter. It really chaps my ass too because up until this point this stores prices had been reasonable and sometimes lower than anyone else around. All good things must come to an end I guess.

I've seen it priced anywhere from $110 to $125. I grabbed mine for $110 but have passed on the others at higher cost.

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Passed on several age stated VOB BIB's today in a local drugstore. They even had one handle. Surprised they have lasted this long around here...

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