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What bourbon did you purchase today? Spring 2014

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Just got a call from the whiskey monger (never miss those calls!) who has an ECBP waiting for me (believe it is batch 4). Apparently some screw-up with the distribution in GA where the bulk went to a couple stores, but they've sorted things out. Hmm . . . might have to do a blind SBS of batches 1, 3, and 4 this weekend!

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3 more bottles of the Bourye. It was priced like Son of Bourye and has the older whiskey in it so I figured what the heck. I'd pretty much decided to stop buying and just start drinking what I have but you know how that goes.


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Bourye is delish. A lil jealous that you're finding so many bottles of this.

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3 more bottles of the Bourye. It was priced like Son of Bourye and has the older whiskey in it so I figured what the heck. I'd pretty much decided to stop buying and just start drinking what I have but you know how that goes.


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Just got a call from the whiskey monger (never miss those calls!) who has an ECBP waiting for me (believe it is batch 4). Apparently some screw-up with the distribution in GA where the bulk went to a couple stores, but they've sorted things out. Hmm . . . might have to do a blind SBS of batches 1, 3, and 4 this weekend!
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3 more bottles of the Bourye. It was priced like Son of Bourye and has the older whiskey in it so I figured what the heck. I'd pretty much decided to stop buying and just start drinking what I have but you know how that goes.


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Congats Gary. Over the last two weeks I've cleaned my local shelves of #3 and have been promised a phone call soon as #4 shows up.

Why I love this and don't care for EC12 amazes me.

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Congats Gary. Over the last two weeks I've cleaned my local shelves of #3 and have been promised a phone call soon as #4 shows up.

Why I love this and don't care for EC12 amazes me.

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No. It was twice as much but still underpriced for this area.

You still got a great deal. I seem to recall it being significantly higher ($55-60) when it was available in Indy. Great score!

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You still got a great deal. I seem to recall it being significantly higher ($55-60) when it was available in Indy. Great score!

Wow. Can't believe it's out there. I was for sure that this was gone for good. I was all over the UES today and didn't fine anything really. Going to have to put some time in this weekend. HW stuff has never been a letdown and I'm really looking forward the midsummer's release this fall.

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Grabbed a bottle of Booker's since the guys at work that got me hooked on bourbon keep recommending I drink thru a bottle. Think it was around 7yrs 3mnths 127.1Pf. Will crack it open this weekend.

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Finally found two bottles of Booker's 25th. I was disappointed that I was not able to find any in KY, and then of all places I found it in the small liquor section of my local grocery store.

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Sometimes you just have to look everywhere. I heard a local grocery store near me had WFE bourbon and Rye. my friend told me he saw them there like a week previous. By the time I got there(as soon as I hung up the phone) they were long gone. Talked to the liquor dept. manager, "Oh yeah we had a bunch but they're gone. We might get them again but our distributor is pushing the michter's line on us."

Finally found two bottles of Booker's 25th. I was disappointed that I was not able to find any in KY, and then of all places I found it in the small liquor section of my local grocery store.
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Proud of myself, have not bought any bourbon this week. Holding off until I get to Kentucky next week. Love the Four Roses gift shop.

Best regards, Tony

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Three VOB 100 1.75L #10. I will dedicate another pallet for this release.

Edited by cubacroc
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Picked up another ECBP batch 3 (again, thinking it would be batch 4 . . . what in the hell is going on with all of this batch 3 coming into Atlanta?? Maybe that saved more of the Devil's batch to come down to Georgia (as Charlie Daniels played on :lol:)

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Standard issue ETL and an ORVW.

I could live with just those 2 for the rest of my life and want not...

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At lunch on P Street NW WashDC, I ate at the bar and saw two bottles of Charbay R5 hopped whiskey - one aged, one not. I'd never had any. Knowing I probably would never buy a 750ml @ $75+, I ordered a neat pour of the aged to go with a Monte Cristo (that deep fried ham & cheese killer - YUM). Surprisingly good combo.

Nice malty aroma to start. First sip had NO burn even with its 99 proof. Even though it is made from an IPA using several hops including Chinook and Cascade, there was no beer-bitter, citrus+pine flavor at all. Glass had nice legs, but I noticed no oilyness even though it was aged in wood only two years (because it is made from malted barley rather than corn I figured). Finish was nice and left me wanting more.

While talking to the bartender about it and about the many pricy NDPs on the shelf (which outnumbered the DPs regardless of price), he asked whether I'd tried Whistle Pig. "Yup. Good but pricy by the bottle." He then told me I'd just missed Dave Pickerell who was in town to promote WP. I still didn't order any.

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