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What Bourbon did you purchase today? Fall 2014

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Walked into my usual spot to find an EH Taylor BP just sitting on the shelf, all alone. Felt so sorry for the poor guy that I gave him a forever home. Well, at least for the next few months ...:lol:

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Smooth Ambler Contradiction Batch 2. I'm excited to crack this.

Sounds like it has hit GA. I haven't seen any in Indy. Is it being distributed widely or just select areas?

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No new Pappy scores...time to get back to reality...picked up a Henry McKenna BIB for the first time yesterday. Cracked it right away and liked it a lot w/ lots of caramel flavors.

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Once again passed on EWSB vin. 2000. It is a lonely bottle in a small local store. There are no other bottles of EWSB there of any vintage. I want it because it is from 2000 and the only one I have is 2004, which I like a lot.

But, sadly, it is priced at $45.99 and they will not budge on the price. I just can't justify that amount, which I view as about 200% of the normal price.

It bugs me seeing it sitting there. This is the same store where I just bought OFBB for $46, so it is not a gouge-factory. Sigh.

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Got a call yesterday afternoon from a liquor store that my special order for a WLW (that I placed about one and half years ago) came in. Pleasant surprise.

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Had to go to my secondary store because they have better selection of bitters and since I was there picked up an OFSig, baby Saz, and an ETL.

Twas a good day for shopping.

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Traded a bottle of GTS and WLW for this Pappy 20.


To each their own, I suppose, but I wouldn't have considered that a fair trade.

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Thanks to a certain fellow SB'er, just picked up my PVW 20 at retail ( Chicago $159.99 ) - will be sampling tonight and sharing with friends and family over thanksgiving.

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To each their own, I suppose, but I wouldn't have considered that a fair trade.

I'm with you on that...I would sacrifice a bottle of PVW 20 for GTS and WLW everyday of the week.

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Thanks to one of the great guys on SB, two bottles of OF 1849 were waiting at my front door last night. It's one that I always enjoyed and thought I wouldn't see again.

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To each their own, I suppose, but I wouldn't have considered that a fair trade.

I was able to get my GTS and WLW at MSRP which is rare around here. However, being able to get PVW 20 for anywhere near MSRP around here is impossible. If I would have had to purchase it at the going rates around here I would have never been able to put a bottle in my collection. So for $170 I was able to score a bottle of PVW20 which to me is a great deal.

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I was able to get my GTS and WLW at MSRP which is rare around here. However, being able to get PVW 20 for anywhere near MSRP around here is impossible. If I would have had to purchase it at the going rates around here I would have never been able to put a bottle in my collection. So for $170 I was able to score a bottle of PVW20 which to me is a great deal.

Like I said, to each their own.

Monetarily it's not an even trade, and more importantly to me it is trading two amazing bourbons for only one amazing bourbon...

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