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What Bourbon did you Purchase the Spring of 2023?

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Old Cody Junior took me over

Said, "You're gonna find the whole world is smoldering, 

And if you get lost, come on home to



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Just picked up a Bernheim  BP A 223, Calumet 10 and a OF 1920. Have not heard of the Berheim before, part of HH.  Store only got 1. Rep told Chris that if I liked ECBP would like this as well. Will report when I open. 

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1 hour ago, Grady330 said:

Just picked up a Bernheim  BP A 223, Calumet 10 and a OF 1920. Have not heard of the Berheim before, part of HH.  Store only got 1. Rep told Chris that if I liked ECBP would like this as well. Will report when I open. 

While I sincerely hope that you enjoy the Bernheim and feel that it was money well spent, the rep’s comment makes no sense.  Other than if your enjoyment of barrel proof is the sole determiner, or if you profess you love every HH product, the rep’s comments were lazy and without much substance.  Pet peeve of mine, are reps who just spout BS, and give no real helpful info.  

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Today’s parcel from Loretto.  The 46 CS is a late sub for a wood finish that needed a little more time.


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6 hours ago, Grady330 said:

Just picked up a Bernheim  BP A 223, Calumet 10 and a OF 1920. Have not heard of the Berheim before, part of HH.  Store only got 1. Rep told Chris that if I liked ECBP would like this as well. Will report when I open. 

Hhhhmmm. Never seen or even heard about a Bernheim BP.  HOWEVER, I will keep an eye open for it.  When Summer heat is oppressive, I just LOVE a Bernheim wheat whiskey at (indoor) room temp OR a pour of a good 80/90 proofer from the fridge/freezer.  4RYL, for example.

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1 hour ago, Harry in WashDC said:

Hhhhmmm. Never seen or even heard about a Bernheim BP.  HOWEVER, I will keep an eye open for it.  When Summer heat is oppressive, I just LOVE a Bernheim wheat whiskey at (indoor) room temp OR a pour of a good 80/90 proofer from the fridge/freezer.  4RYL, for example.


While I like wheat whiskey, I found my one attempt at a bottle of Bernheim to be a hot mess.  However, I have since enjoyed several bottles of a Backbone PS BS Wheat Whiskey (120 proof) and Woodford Wheat Whiskey.  The Woodford Wheat surprisingly grew on me as I worked my way through the bottle.   Both of those would be repeat purchases.  I guess I should give Bernheim another try.  I would also be a buyer of Bernheim BP if the price is right.  If for nothing else, than the adventure of trying another BP Wheat Whiskey.

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I would consider Bernheim BP if the price wasn't too high.

I've tried the regular 90 proof version more than once.  I wanted to like it, but it seemed to have almost no flavor, just very bland.  I was hoping more like a wheat mash bill Bourbon, but no.

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Old Elk Double Wheat is quite good (it's a blend of their straight wheat whiskey and their wheated bourbon), but the problem with it is the high price ($99).  I like my bottle of it quite a lot, but I doubt I will replace it. 

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Friday Morning before work I decide to take a look on the OHlQ website at a tiny store that if anything good comes in they get it, about a month ago they got a case of weller antique but was gone before I got there, I did get a green SR a week before that though. I look and says they have it I called and they said yes. So I ran down and picked it up with a few new friends I’ve been wanting to try and still made it to work on time lol.A66E1AF4-AEBA-4535-BBA5-AD0FEF03AC4A.thumb.jpeg.819172b70d95865b507830dd43ccbc0b.jpeg

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11 hours ago, The camaro show said:

Friday Morning before work I decide to take a look on the OHlQ website at a tiny store that if anything good comes in they get it, about a month ago they got a case of weller antique but was gone before I got there, I did get a green SR a week before that though. I look and says they have it I called and they said yes. So I ran down and picked it up with a few new friends I’ve been wanting to try and still made it to work on time lol.A66E1AF4-AEBA-4535-BBA5-AD0FEF03AC4A.thumb.jpeg.819172b70d95865b507830dd43ccbc0b.jpeg


Tri-fecta!  All three are great bottles.  If you would have grabbed a cheap bottle, you would have hit for the cycle.  Enjoy!

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21 hours ago, The camaro show said:

Friday Morning before work I decide to take a look on the OHlQ website at a tiny store


The OHLQ website worked? With OWA?


Just. Wow.


That was a true anomaly!  Congrats on the pick-up.

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On 4/17/2023 at 7:48 AM, Anwalt said:


The OHLQ website worked? With OWA?


Just. Wow.


That was a true anomaly!  Congrats on the pick-up.

It's worked for me, just gotta hit that refresh button quite a bit.

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A couple store picks came home tonight along with new Weller swag. I'll never be @fishnbowljoe but I gotta have aspirations.


Never had one of these adorable little Blanton's 375 bottles. Had my choice of that or an ER10 375.


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1 hour ago, Clueby said:

A couple store picks came home tonight along with new Weller swag. I'll never be @fishnbowljoe but I gotta have aspirations.


Never had one of these adorable little Blanton's 375 bottles. Had my choice of that or an ER10 375.



Very nice Tim. I have to say I’m a little jealous.  ;) 





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I scooped up three different private picked Bourbons from my local monger to take to Bardstown next Thursday.   

The panel that does the pix (no longer including me most of the time) has a great track record, so taking a flyer on these three seemed worth the cheddar.   We'll see next week, eh?    Can't wait!!!!  :wub:

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I looooooove me some Ryan Bingham, been a fan since Mescalito was first released and he was practically still homeless.  I discovered my love of Americana music because of him.  So when I hear he has a bourbon out, naturally I must have it.  It's a blend of all Texas grain-to-glass bourbons ("certified Texas whiskey"), so I don't have high hopes for it actually being great, but sometimes emotion overrules logic.  I'll open it later this afternoon and see what it's like...


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Today was our monthly allocation drop. There were a lot of nice bottles available, but nothing too spectacular. This is what I picked up.




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I did ok, but my wife really scored. She was in Seattle for business this week, and found these in a small store outside of Seattle.

She took the red eye last night and she's catching up on some sleep, so I dont know exactly where she found them. She's cheaper, er I mean more frugal than me so I can rest assured she got a deal.😁






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1 hour ago, Davesnothere said:

I did ok, but my wife really scored. She was in Seattle for business this week, and found these in a small store outside of Seattle.

She took the red eye last night and she's catching up on some sleep, so I dont know exactly where she found them. She's cheaper, er I mean more frugal than me so I can rest assured she got a deal.😁







Wow, you always make some great scores.  But, it appears your wife might be better at the hunt than you are!  Congratulations on the local pickups and those your wife found for you!

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23 hours ago, dcbt said:

I looooooove me some Ryan Bingham, been a fan since Mescalito was first released and he was practically still homeless.  I discovered my love of Americana music because of him.  So when I hear he has a bourbon out, naturally I must have it.  It's a blend of all Texas grain-to-glass bourbons ("certified Texas whiskey"), so I don't have high hopes for it actually being great, but sometimes emotion overrules logic.  I'll open it later this afternoon and see what it's like...



I thought the name sounded familiar.  I looked him up and he is in Yellowstone.

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My subscription to Garden & Gun magazine finally got the best of me.  Don’t get me wrong, I love the mag.  It’s very well done and always has excellent reads.  But, the well done ads for Blade and Bow which are found consistently within its pages did what they were intended to do…open my wallet. Ehhh I admit, I can be bought…:D  I’ve been eyeing it now for a while, the price wasn’t egregious, so I pulled the trigger on a bottle.  I’ve had it a couple times before, but have no real recollection of those tastings, so am actually interested to see what transpires for me as I work through the bottle.  


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22 minutes ago, smokinjoe said:

My subscription to Garden & Gun magazine finally got the best of me.  Don’t get me wrong, I love the mag.  It’s very well done and always has excellent reads.  But, the well done ads for Blade and Bow which are found consistently within its pages did what they were intended to do…open my wallet. Ehhh I admit, I can be bought…:D  I’ve been eyeing it now for a while, the price wasn’t egregious, so I pulled the trigger on a bottle.  I’ve had it a couple times before, but have no real recollection of those tastings, so am actually interested to see what transpires for me as I work through the bottle.  


I like the bottle that I have and, if the price is right, I'll replace it when it's gone...

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