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What are you drinking tonight, Spring '08

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Dickel #12 on the rocks with a great pizza at our favorite local independent restaurant and now a generous pour of Weller 12 at home.

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Last day of vacation. We went out to a Mexican place for a really nice dinner. MM before dinner. Three jumbo margaritas with dinner/entertainment. I'm now gonna finish off a bottle of ERSB 10. Nice way to end a very good vacation. Joe

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I decided to go bottom shelf on a whim and got a bottle of EW Black. I am pleasantly surprised at the drinkability of this bourbon. Not complex or rich, light bodied and only 86 proof, but it's actually quite nice. I was expecting something harsh and terrible but there are no "off" flavors at all.


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EW has a bottom shelf rep, but I'd definitely give it, at least, mid shelf status.I'm drinking PVW20, PH, ERSB and FRSmB... and some beers to hydrate...

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On Monday the dust bunnies killed my PC. They suicide attacked the heat sink over my CPU clogging it so well the fan couldn't pass adequent air to keep it cool. Slowly it roasted to death.

Today I dropped my Bush Cash (which part of was going to a Pappy 23) on new guts for my box. No room for Pappy the Elder now.

Unforunately I recycled an old box w/ my XP product code a few years back when I but the PC that just croaked. So I spent my friday night rebuilding my box, and then trying to install XP. Only to find out that I can't get it loaded until MONDAY because the largest computer craporation in the world is too cheap to hire tech support over the weekends. 1am...sure no problem, but no Sat/Sun support?! I actually PAID for this now I'm shut down till Monday.

Yeah, it's sorta my fault. In the mean time I've been drinking heavily off my homebrew taps (3) and now i've given up. Thinking about what a wonderful Friday night this has been. I had to bitch to someone. And there's 15yr old Pappy. Wiser than his years allow, a good listener, and a great damn bourbon.

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I'm trying five new whiskey's tonight. I purchased Berheim, Sazerac, George Dickel 12, Evan Williams Black and Ancient Ancient Age 10 star. I will try them all neat and then decide if one or the other can knock Buffalo Trace of my favorite's top spot. I am having a Bernheim now and I like it a whole bunch. My next pour is going to be the Sazerac Rye. I am interested in how this will taste to me considering it is my first straight rye. We'll see. This is fun trying new bourbon's. I will let you'll know which one I liked the best.:cool:

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Earlier I had an Old Forester 86 proof from 1984. Now I'm trying to figure out what's next....too many to choose from.

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Last night, started with Rock Hill Farms moved on to a Pappy Lot B and finished with a JD SB.

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While grilling, I sipped on some SW Old Fitz Prime. Moving on now to Pappy 15.

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first of many pours of Hancock... want to kill this one off...

You could just send it to me !!! :grin: :lol: :cool:

Stagg and Larue Weller for me tonight !!

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I might just do that :)

Need some space... I would say my space is limited, but that would be dishonest... I just have a plethora of bourbons.... but no piñatas :D

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My first taste of a VanWinkle bourbon. ORVW 10/90. Me like! :drink: Very much. Hope I can find the 10/107, or some Lot B. That would be great. Joe

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While grilling some steaks this evening had some EWSB then later tonight grabbed 4 Roses Yellow...it had been awhile and I had recalled it being just ok....on tasting again...the overall impression is sweetness, fairly light, smooth finish...enjoyable but not outstanding.

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more Pappy 15/107 for me, biding my time until the Binny's order arrives. I have to say, I like this one considerably better than the Lot B - which I really enjoyed. for the money vs taste, I'll only be stocking the Pappy 15 (between these two) from here on out.

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brought my friend his Pappy 20 signed by Julian this afternoon and immediately opened it.

now, I'm having a nightcap of 4R small batch.

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After the Bardstown Sampler and pre and post Sampler Gazebo, nothing but water and soft drinks, I'm afraid.

I'm giving my bourbon the week off.


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Well I hit quite a number of whiskies and bourbon's this weekend. PVW 15, WT rye 101, Saz 17 rye, ODG 114, Weller Antique 107, FR Sm Batch, ER 10yr SB 90, WLW 12 yr, EW SB 1997, and BTAC 07 WLW. I really do need to stock up on my lower cost whiskies as I want to keep the high end stuff around awhile. It is time I picked up some good ole WT 101. Also all of the above consumed whiskies were excellent and paired well with cheese, sausage and dark choclate. Yummy!

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