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What beer are you drinking, Spring 14?

Special Reserve
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Crap. I guess it's a good thing you are sharing this information with me now! :)

Do you know when they stop brewing and releasing it? It's probably too early for me to start stocking up an IPA if I plan on drinking it for the summer.

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The Chillwave is only brewed once a year. Drink it now, while it's fresh. It will likely outlive it's drink by date sometime in May. Come summer, there will be something else fresh. Such is the fate of the IPA drinker.

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Thanks for the info guys! Fairly new to the craft beer scene, so forgive my ignorance.

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No worries! And yeah, there's always plenty of good IPAs around. Some even you can age. Hell, the DCT recommends it!

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The Chillwave is only brewed once a year. Drink it now, while it's fresh. It will likely outlive it's drink by date sometime in May. Come summer, there will be something else fresh. Such is the fate of the IPA drinker.

Such too is the joy of the IPA drinker though!

(Drained the last Hopslam yesterday watching the games. *sniff* I'll see you again next year!)

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Back on the Country Boy Cougar Bait with dinner tonight. A great brew that's very balanced with a perfectly slight (almost hidden) bitter finish.

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Having an Oberon on tap while waiting for Karry to get her nails done.

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Picked up a 4-pack of KBS today thanks to sdchap00. I will be pouring one this evening. Quite excited.

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Enjoying these low 80's temps with a couple of Ballast Point Sculpins.

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Had a Troegs Pale Ale yesterday. The Carton Swisher smoked Cherry porter is all gone.. :(

I've got some Slyfox Pilsner, which has been much too hoppy for my palate lately as I've detoxed from hops, but has been excellent to me previously. There's some 'ruthless' Rye PA from Sierra in the fridge along side a lone can of Shafer and two of Carton Boat Beer.

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Had some cask-conditioned Hopslam today, fresh from the firkin. Gorgeous stuff; hops so much more expressive than in the bottles or regular tap. Softly sweet and floral on the palate with just a hint of bitterness on the finish. I like the regular stuff too, with its hard-hitting palate and drying finish; cask-conditioned it's just a completely different beer, though still undoubtably familiar. Special stuff.


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^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ That's a beauty to behold! ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^:bowdown:

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Indeed a very pretty pour.

Had some Bear Republic Racer 5 and Ballast Point Sculpin tonight.

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11 people from work did a beer swap today. The idea is that everyone in the group brings in 12 beers and you get 1 from everyone in the group, including one of your own. It's a cool way to try a variety of beers without having to purchase a six pack on your own.

Anyway, started with one of the beers from the swap, Southern Tier Hop Sun. Not really digging this one off the bat. Tastes like a more refined BudLight Lime. Might have to spend a little more time with this one.

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This is actually a great idea and I do this with a small group where I work,we change parameters every week as to a given style just to keep things on a level playing field.

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This does sound like a lot of fun. So long as your office mates have good taste in beer. :o

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I'm having my first Bell's Black Note Stout tonight and it is totally taking the edge off. This is every bit as good as the KBS I had at Founder's recently.

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We have a running list of beers that have been brought so no one brings the same thing twice. We also have a simple rule of no 'Lite' or 'Light' beers. It avoids a lot of issues, but it doesn't prevent all the crap from sneaking in.

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This does sound like a lot of fun. So long as your office mates have good taste in beer. :o

Try working with Mormons. One guy at work and I always share when we get a chance to grab some rare-to-Utah beers, and my boss will bring me something good but unremarkable once in a while. That's as far as that goes for me.

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Try working with Mormons. One guy at work and I always share when we get a chance to grab some rare-to-Utah beers, and my boss will bring me something good but unremarkable once in a while. That's as far as that goes for me.
Yeah well quit bitching I heard this asshole from Illinois has a real nice box of some fine offerings set aside for you.
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Maybe a nice guy from the state to your right will mule you some beer. I hear they have some decent stuff over there. :D

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Maybe a nice guy from the state to your right will mule you some beer. I hear they have some decent stuff over there. :D

You know, that dude in the state next door just wants me to come to Denver and drink his fantastic bourbon... Never wants to ship anything.

I get plenty decent beer... Could be better, but I'm happy.

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