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What bourbon are you drinking? Summer 14

Special Reserve
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Frustrating day at work today. :banghead: Got home, and I'm enjoying a couple of pours from a PS FRSB. :falling:

Cheers! Joe

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DanTE fishnbowljoe;438453]Frustrating day at work today. :banghead: Got home, and I'm enjoying a couple of pours from a PS FRSB. :falling:

Cheers! Joe

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Had another glass of the JPS21 just to check for defects, now finishing things up with a glass of RR10. Lots of good baking spice/apple pie notes with an underlying sweetness. Looks like its decanter time has proven fruitful. Was very closed off when I first opened it.

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A retail select '03 EWSB. Great oily mouthfeel, and leather and semi-sweet caramel over the palate. The finish is chewable and lasting. I just love the EWSB's, and always look forward to its release every year.

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CEHT SB. Kids next door have strep throat. I'm medicating heavily.

I agree, Kyle. I've had several EWSB '02s (a retail pick, a standard shelf bottle, and a Virginia ABC pick which I liked enough to go get more of before it disappeared). I liked each of them better than the 2003s and 4s although I will buy the later ones when the current bottles are gone. If something else doesn't grab me first.

Edited by Harry in WashDC
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had some HH6BIB at a friend's porch gathering/dinner tonight. It's been a while since Ive had any. Good, reliable, and cheap!

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Elmer T. Lee. Not getting a whole lot on the nose tonight, but the palette is wonderful as usual. I wish it was more readily available around here.

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I'm noticing an EWSB trend the past couple nights......but I can't participate.

Finished off my first bottle of the 112.8 WTRB. A mighty fine bottle it ended up being after starting out too hot and one dimensional. Got a couple more stashed away along with some 108's.

Ending the evening with a little OGD114, because you know......everything goes better......

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Agree with this because the last couple bottles of the std stuff just isn't up to snuff, IMHO.

I'm glad you posted this. I gave a bottle of regular production McKenna BIB a try, and while it isn't bad by any means, I was hoping for better. I'm glad it isn't just me. I will definitely try a store select when I can find one.

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Sitting down to watch the Super Bowl champion Seahawks in the season opener against the Packers. A powerhouse matchup like this calls for a powerhouse whiskey so Mr. Stagg Sr. gets the call.

So good to have football back.

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:drink:04 EWSB, aged 10 yrs and 1 month. Many here have noted that they prefer the 03, but I can't find anything wrong with this variation and this bottle sure is pouring itself down dangerously fast!

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high west prairie reserve followed by a freshly opened WTKS barrel 51 bottled on 11/20/13 - think this will get better with the oxygen doing its trick

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Needed an easy sipper while heating up leftovers for dinner (crockpot brisket w/root veggies, it's even better on the second or third reheating...), so I selected FRYL which turned out to be the exact right choice.

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Taking another stab at the JPS21 today. Not getting much in the way of vanilla, just a bunch of bananas and chocolate. Some nail polish remover/permanent marker on the nose, but I've always liked that smell, so I'm good with it. Bit of fruit on the finish. Definitely different than earlier in the week. I woke up not feeling so great this morning, so maybe my taster is off. Either way it still tastes great, just different.

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ETL to start off the night. This is the bourbon that got me into this obsession. God bless Elmer for showing me the path!

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