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What are you drinking tonight? (Winter '07)

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Tonight It's sobriety. I have to pick some friends up from the bars after they drink way too much. It's very boring, but I'm happy to be able to help.

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Kudos. I need more friends like you. ;)

Tonight was a beer night for me. Had the new Anchor Bock, and it was great. Also had a Delirium Nocturnum, which is just hands down one of the best beers ever.

Now, I think I'll have a little nightcap. Maybe I'll crack open that VWFRR I got today. :)

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'05 Larue Weller, not as bad as I remember it and many make it out to be. Nothing wrong with it, just might not be up to many standards here...

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I have a glass of OGD 114 by the mouse. Very nice. By the way, this is not the VBT #41.


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Woodford Reserve neat, and really pretty nice with a fairly interesting bouquet. I am surprised this bourbon is not more highly regarded. I mean, I know there is better out there but it would be boring to just drink the one that you regard as the "best". Followed this up with WT Rare Breed Batch # W-T-01-97 with the older style label, much hotter than the Woodford of course at 108.6 Proof. Real fine complex nose. I was picking up a strong smell of flowers on the end of the nose which I don't remember from the last time I sampled this a couple of months ago. Have to try some wheaters next session! Tom V

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I'm a lifelong (read: long-suffering) Bears fan. I'm kicking things off (pun definitely unintended) with a 750mL bottle of LaChouffe "Double IPA Tripel," poured in my 1991 Collectors' Edition SlimJim 22 oz. Bears stein. This will be followed with a homebrewed barleywine in the same glass. And, if things go well, Booker's and a cigar will finish off the night. If it goes badly, though, it'll be Booker's and then a few more to ease the pain...

Actually, if the Bears have to lose in the Super Bowl, I don't mind it being Peyton, Tony Dungy, Marvin Harrison, et al.

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My first taste of Wild Turkey Rare Breed, Batch No. WT-03RB. This Rare Breed is VERY smooth, and I don't notice the proof at all. The creaminess of the whiskey is quite noticeable at the first sip, and the well-rounded nature of Wild Turkey is glorious, with all the different grains playing well and not one of them really overpowering the others. Sweetness abounds, with a little corn taste in the long finish. A magnificent product from a magnificent distillery and distiller. Thanks, Jimmy Russell. Thanks for making a product Americans can point to with pride as one of our own classics.


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Tonight it's a little more of the 2006 Birthday Bourbon. I think this is my favorite since the 2002 original. :yum:

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Tonight I'm having a pour of EC12 with just a few drops of water. IMHO, EC12 is one of the best values out there.


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Started off with WT Tribute, a very small pour. But it was good. It's been months since I had it and I remember why I love this bourbon so much.

Afterwards, I poured some BMH 16, while it is very good it paled in comparison to the Tribute.

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Tonight It's sobriety. I have to pick some friends up from the bars after they drink way too much. It's very boring, but I'm happy to be able to help.

Class act Timmy! Class act!!!

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Lots of wind & snow today... just cleared the driveway (probably for only the first time tonight). Seems like time for a well-deserved pour. I thinking WTRB for starters.

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Class act Timmy! Class act!!!

Thank you very much.

Tonight I had a Glenlivet 12 and now I may have something else before bed, but if I do that I have to make another decision. :shocked:

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Tonight I drank some Old Overholt when I got home from work, and then finished the evening with two glasses of Old Charter 10 years old 86 proof.

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Hirsch Select 13 yo Rye and VWFR Rye 13 yo. The VWFRR is the winner, hands down. See the What did you Buy thread for more details.

Now some Blanton's Silver. Lovely.


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I decided to come back to my "Going Fast" bottle of Thomas H. Handy. I like this stuff.. I bought the last bottle my local guy had today, just to make sure I don't run out for a little while...

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Having some Benchmark from the mid 80s, I believe.

It's pretty good, if a little sharp. It really rounds out with a couple of ice cubes.

This is prompting me to go grab those Benchmark Single Barrel bottles I saw the other day.

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The Benchmark Single Barrels will be much better than regular Benchmark IMHO. BT discontinued the SB several years ago, but can occasionally still be found on the shelf here in Houston. I like it. Its flavor is a cross between BT and Blanton's. A slight earthiness like you find in BT (see Ken Weber's recent post) and the silky spice I note in Blanton's. Runs about $20 when I see it.

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Thanks a lot for your input, DB. The ones I found in Ft. Worth are $27 each, but from your input and my general curiosity, even at that price I think I'm still interested.

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Woodford Reserve tonight.

I got it for a good price and even though it is not popular on this forum, it is hitting the spot for me...

Come to think of it, I have not had a drink for over 2 weeks, so pretty much anything would taste good right now!

I also belted out by far my best rendition ever of "Crossroads Blues" on my resonator guitar. For some reason it seemed easy to play and sing tonight. Noone was there to see it but I have impressed myself no end!

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