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What bourbon are you drinking? - Winter '13/'14

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Just had a nice pour of HHSS, delicious as always. Before that, some Tullamore Dew Phoenix, which is really rounding into a terrific whiskey.

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Last night was a rye then bourbon night. Ritt BIB (DSP 354) and then AAA10. I guess both are on the soon to be extinct list. Tonight, I am trying a vatting of both (3:2 Ritt:AAA10). To be honest, it tastes a lot like ETL. The proof is 94.4.
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Another WT 101 followed by CEHT Small Batch night. The turkey is ever faithful, and the small batch keeps hitting the right notes so I'll replace this one soon as there's only one more pour left.

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Good Sunday Morning to all and a tip 'o the hat to Will for Sunday morning tastings.

I am sipping some WL Weller Centennial, neat.

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I posted this in the wrong thread so I'm putting it where it belongs..

Went over to a buddy’s house last night to visit him & his collection, we took a nice tour through it. Let’s see if I can remember …first we started with some Greenspot, (really good) then went to J18, J Chef’s Collab (actually pretty good also, had my doubts about this one at first), Death’s door, Jacobs ghost, Michter’s,(the higher end one.. Very tasty) ORVW 10 107, CEHT SB,Kc rye, 3 vats, Dickel 12, and then finished it up with some RB12 & RB12 CS, you know being St. Patty’s and all that…..!

You know it’s really nice to be able to go over and rip thru a collection like that…

And… I came home with an ETL and a J Chef’s collab!

Man you can’t beat a night like that!!

Prohst my friend!!!

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Poured generous glass (over a small cube) of a mingle that was recommended in these threads...to wit:

50-50 Wild Turkey and Old Forester Signature. WONDERFUL! Anyone who likes a full-flavored rye-based Bourbon, with a decent nose, a complex palate, and a better than average finish....Can't go wrong with this blend....IMHO.

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Had a dinner party that included 3 whiskey lovers and a new convert. Started with Midleton very rare (in honor of St Pats day), followed with baby Saz, AE rye, WT 101 Rye, James Pepper Bourbon, GTS, TH, FRSmB 2012, WLW and PVW 15. Needless to say a good time was had by all.

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Following a nice little family walk around the block, I'm relaxing back with a neat pour of '04 EWSB. The classic HH profile fits well with the smells of Spring that are filling the air.

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Following a nice little family walk around the block, I'm relaxing back with a neat pour of '04 EWSB. The classic HH profile fits well with the smells of Spring that are filling the air.

Smells of Spring???? Boy you folks are so lucky down in GA. Our smells so far are of road salt, damp snow piles (whenever the air finally does get above freezing), and our own steaming anger at this 'Winter from Hell'. Of course the aromas from our Bourbon pours does alleviate this, at least temporarily, so we have that going for us. ENJOY, my friend.

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the smells of Spring that are filling the air.

as I type this, yesterday's 70 degrees are replaced with snow covered ground again. dammit.

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First post here. Been drinking bourbon for only about the past five years. Weaned myself onto it with a drink called the Lady O, which was made every evening for the owner of the Hotel Monna Lisa in Florence. 3 parts grand marnier, 1 part four roses bourbon, and a splash of lemon juice. Slowly changed the proportion when I came back from my honeymoon til it was mostly bourbon. (insert joke about only starting drinking bourbon after I got married)

Then was introduced to a Blenheim and bourbon in Augusta Georgia, which is still my favorite summer cocktail.

Since then, it's all been downhill, or uphill depending on your point of view.

Glad to have found this forum. Hello to all.

On topic, I am drinking some OGD114 after some private bottle obsq 4R

Sent from my VS980 4G using Tapatalk

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First post here. Been drinking bourbon for only about the past five years. Weaned myself onto it with a drink called the Lady O, which was made every evening for the owner of the Hotel Monna Lisa in Florence. 3 parts grand marnier, 1 part four roses bourbon, and a splash of lemon juice. Slowly changed the proportion when I came back from my honeymoon til it was mostly bourbon. (insert joke about only starting drinking bourbon after I got married)

Then was introduced to a Blenheim and bourbon in Augusta Georgia, which is still my favorite summer cocktail.

Since then, it's all been downhill, or uphill depending on your point of view.

Glad to have found this forum. Hello to all.

On topic, I am drinking some OGD114 after some private bottle obsq 4R

Sent from my VS980 4G using Tapatalk

Welcome! You definitely have great taste with those that you're sipping on:)

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After a freezing my ass of walk around the block (it felt like the coldest day all winter cuz even in Chicago it shouldn't be this cold on 3/16) settling down to some Four Roses SB mixed with Green River Soda and bitters. An excellent drink to compliment our Corned Beef and Cabbage dinner. May have another.

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I bought of Smooth Ambler 8-Year BP yesterday. Decided to save it for a treat today since I had to work two soccer games in the upper 20s and strong wind. Started with a pour to SA 6-Year (99 proof) to provide a point of reference. I followed with a nice pour of the 8-Year (108.4 proof). While I like the 6-Year, the 8-Year is awesome. I would put it on par with some of the better recent Willetts I have had.

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Barterhouse, Old Blowhard, PVW20 now; will likely go to the ECBP next.

Hugh, where would you rank Barterhouse and Old Blowhard in comparison with PVW20?

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Dear Lord! I just had to pony up $15.24 for a glass of Knob Creek. I guess that's what happens when you're stuck in an airport waiting for a delayed flight and want a decent drink.

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Having a cocktail I call 'The Working Weekend' and after a grueling but lucrative weekend. It goes as follows:

Fill shaker pint with ice. Pour half full of Bonded bourbon. Top with water.

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