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Empty Bottle Support Group 2014

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'12 WLW down....man down...man down. I've never nursed a bottle this long, stuff is perfect fit for my tastebuds. Managed to find GTS and ER17 this year, maybe if i close my eyes when i pour it'll taste the same.

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Just finished my bottle of Four Kings. I think I enjoyed the latter half of the bottle more than the first. Was initially a bit disappointed, but in the end I was sad to see it go.

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'12 WLW down....man down...man down. I've never nursed a bottle this long, stuff is perfect fit for my tastebuds. Managed to find GTS and ER17 this year, maybe if i close my eyes when i pour it'll taste the same.

I've never owned a bottle, but the one time I drank the '12 WLW I thought it was definitely one of the best bourbons I'd ever tasted in my life. Easily a top 5. That's what made me decide I was going to start trying to get BATC/Pappy type releases if possible (without going on the secondary market).

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This one hurt. I grew to LOVE this bourbon. A small ice cube turned this into the one of the best noses I've ever had.


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Just finished my bottle of Four Kings. I think I enjoyed the latter half of the bottle more than the first. Was initially a bit disappointed, but in the end I was sad to see it go.

I'd love some tasting notes on that one. Been very curious about it (even though i can't get it here).

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Sent a HHSS to the recycling bin last night. One more in reserve fortunately. Great bourbon.

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Finished of a bottle of EC21 from barrel #54. Loved it. Fortunately I have another from the same barrel, but going to crack open one from #79 next since I have three of those.

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Said goodbye to SAOS 10yr. Man that went fast.

Mine has a similarly defective bottle. There's a hole in the top that has a persistent leak.

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Finished off a FRSB OBSV NCF tonight. This stuff is so good that I could drink it every night and be perfectly happy if I didn't buy another bottle but this one.

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Dan, keep up the fight to get them to do this at least as a regular gift shop release. Don't take no for an answer! :banghead:

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Well, it's that time again. :rolleyes: It's been a few weeks since I last posted here. Quite a few empties have, or will be hitting our brand new big blue recycling container. (For some reason, our fair city decided to replace the old, small rectangular recycling bins, with brand new large, garbage can sized ones. :skep: WTF?) Anyway…..here's the list.

BT, FRSB, EW BIB, JW Dant BIB, HH 6 yr BIB, PHC Wheated 127.8 proof, ORVW 10/107. Not pictured: HH 6yr BIB, BT, and a liter of ER 10/101 NOLA. The pictured JW Dant BIB, EW BIB, and HH 6yr BIB, are empty but…., I blended what I had left of the three together in an empty handle. :yum:

A FWIW note here. For those of you that have been around a while, (and for those that have given me some good natured crap about it) please notice that there is no more 60's wall paper in the background. Also gone, at least temporarily, are our wall hangings. (No more of my "bad liver" on the wall Paul.) Yes, our dining room has gone through a much needed update. Kitchen is next. :crazy:

Pics are of my current empties, and an older one to compare. :grin:



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This one really grew on me. Last pour has a few floaters in it. Have a backup but for the price ($49) wish I had bought more.

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This one really grew on me. Can't be beat in the under $50 range. Should have bought more.


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Hope this is allowed to post a photo rather than a thumbnail link, but I sadly poured the final 4 ozs into a small bottle to savor another time. Still have one more in the bunker but wish I had about 6 more since this has been my favorite bourbon next to the 2013 LE SiB.


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CEHT Rye, a Gazebo warrior gave up its last after a valiant run.


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At long last I put the bottle of BTEC Rice bourbon to rest. Wasn't really bad but just not much to it. Spent it's final days pretending to be ETL...

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