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What bourbon did you pass up today? Spring/Summer 2014

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Passed on Elmer T. Lee at $135.00.

WHAT!!! It's a $30 bottle and not anything special. Did they have Elijah Craig for $129?

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Passed on Elmer T. Lee at $135.00.

Wait, what?

Was this one of the commemorative bottles, or a regular bottle?

Either way, that is craaaaaaaazy.

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Passed up POH at 159, ECBP Batch 1 at 99.99, Weller 12 at 49.99, Jefferson Rye 21 at 129, Jefferson Rye 25 at 225, Booker 25th at 159. Just TOO DAMN EXPENSIVE!

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The commemorative edition is not replacing the standard ETL. Why do people keep asking that? Are they saying that it will in one of those Facebook groups or some other bourbon blog? This question comes up about once week now.

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The commemorative edition is not replacing the standard ETL. Why do people keep asking that? Are they saying that it will in one of those Facebook groups or some other bourbon blog? This question comes up about once week now.
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Has anyone said anything authoritative either way?
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No, I don't think anyone has said anything about it but the rumors still have plenty of momentum for some reason. Someone is fueling the fire.

...but yeah, it would be cool to have ETL at 93 for quite a while.

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I'd be on board with that as long as they didn't raise the price more than $5. I think that's a fair trade.
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Passed on everything the last couple of days. Saw quite a bit of age stated VOB BIB, Forgiven and WTRB (no sighting of the new label/higher proof though).

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I passed on JD Sinatra for $170. Owner brought in the back to show me. I felt bad passing, but I just couldn't do it.

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Passed up Barterhouse and Old Blowhard. I'm decently curious about the Barterhouse, as I used to really like Old Charter Proprietor's Reserve, but for some reason I can't work up the excitement required to buy either of these bottles, even at non-inflated prices. I'll probably feel a twang of regret when they're all gone, but there's lots to distract me in the meantime (I left with a bottle of ECBP).

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It was regular ETL. I was shocked when I saw it and almost laughed at the proprietor


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Wow some of these prices are beyond ridiculous. The one plus side to Pennsylvania since we only have state stores there are no mom and pop shops bending people over and people who are not even drinkers but are emptying shelves and trying to flip at absurd prices. At least none being sold in legal stores in legal means. That's crazy, no wonder bourbon is getting out of control price wise.

Also I am shocked at no love for the ec12. I'm a newb but i really think that's one of the best priced best values available at least here in Pennsylvania. I have like five bottles on my bar any given time. To each his own.

On topic I passed on a chance at a bookers 25th for 99.99. It was listed on the site for about thirty second several times throughout the day but I wasn't trying to get it, just noticed it.

Edited by jmj_203
grammatical errors
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Passed on a Booker's Roundtable yesterday. I was very tempted since it was boxed with a bottle of BH and the pricing would have made the BH about $18, which is much more appropriate for what it is. Haven't decided if I'll go back for it.

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Passed on the new JB SB had it in my hand,but passed @ $28.99,oh well maybe next time.

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I passed on JD Sinatra for $170. Owner brought in the back to show me. I felt bad passing, but I just couldn't do it.

I did the same thing this week. I felt bad as well since this owner always hooks me up, but I have zero interest in this bottle. I told him I'm just not a Jack Daniels guy.

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Passed on the new WT RB 112.8 proof. I can't believe how quickly this has hit the shelves and displaced all the 108.2.

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Passed on a bottle of the second batch of Stagg Jr. It's 128.7 or 127.8 proof - somewhere in there. Just coudln't pull the trigger.

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Working offshore I don't get to participate in the pass up thread much.

But today I DID pass on barterhouse and blowhard online at Caskers for 89 and 179, respectively. Ouch.


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