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What rye are you drinking or purchased 2024


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On 9/10/2024 at 9:52 AM, Richnimrod said:

Had a nice pour of THH last evening.   A bit harsh at first; but: OH! SO Flavorful!!!    Added a tablespoon of water, and that was purrrrrfect!    Very enjoyable pour!


Side note: I decanted about 5-ounces of this bottle a week or so ago (leaving it around half full).   To that 5-ounces of THH, I added about a dozen Kona Peaberrry coffee beans.   At first, they all floated very high.    Every day I'd shake 'em up a little. 

After a couple days as well as a couple shakes, two of the beans sank to the bottom.   After a few more days and a few more shakes, they eventually all sank.    I'll give 'em another day or two, then pour out the liquid and reclaim the beans.    I'll add them to a bottle of Sambucca that's only about 1/3-full.     I c'nardly wait to taste the coffee-infused THH, as well as a short pour of the Sambucca... with a bean or two in the bottom.

...More on this in a few days.....

OK. here's the "More"...

 I screwed up to some extent with this experiment.    After the first few days of 'soaking' the coffee beans once they sank, I wasn't satisfied with the character they imparted to the THH.    So I decided I'd leave 'em soaking for a few more days.   Well, I re-checked the flavor once more after two more days.   It was almost what I expected/hoped for.   I thought to myself; 'One more day oughta do it'.   Fast forward to this morning.   Guess what?  Today represented THREE more days; not one more.   ...And, the THH is now something akin to a half-bottle of high-proof-coffee-bitters.   Don't get me wrong.   The THH is drinkable; but, more coffee influence than I wanted.   It's actually interesting over a cube; just not what I wanted.    The good news though, is that the beans are luscious!   I chewed one up by itself.   YUMMY!     I did put 'em in that low-fill Sambucca bottle.   I'll leave 'em steep in there for a while, and see what they do for the Sambucca.    I think I'll stop at my monger and grab a bottle of Kahlua, and after making a little space in there, I'll add a couple ounces of the "flavored" THH to it.   That should be a lovely dessert pour, and not as sweet as regular Kahlua, which to me is just soooo syrup-ey sweet.

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1 hour ago, Richnimrod said:

Their bottles are superb; both the glass and the labeling!   Truly well-designed and executed, right down to the typefaces, and especially the rendering of the large RYE at the bottom of main label!

Agreed, on all counts.

Sagamore is doing things the right way.

I've been meaning to visit the distillery,  for years. 

It's only 20 minutes from the house🤔


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I'm currently so spoiled for choice, I feel like there are more fancy ryes on the market then ever. It's become impossible to afford all the selection  I have seen recently. So today I bought an old Forrester 100 rye to have with my wings. It did not disappoint.

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My Happy fryeday begins with this gorgeous representation of great rye.  The Russells crush rye.  


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40 minutes ago, Wedelstaedt said:

Happy FRyeDay. Rittenhouse SP in my glass.  A good ‘ole American pour. 🇺🇸


Rittenhouse was working so well, I thought I would move it up a notch. Pikesville. Good call. I sure am happy this is available again. 


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Enjoyed some rye standards earlier in the evening. WT101R, Rittenhouse PS, followed with Pikesville. Three tasty pours. 

Happy FRyeday

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Woodinville local store pick rye. 115+proof and an ass kicker at CS, an ice chip reveals more layers and damn they are good. I am enjoying this bottle very much, my lone experience with Woodinville and it’s a great one. The spice delivery is what I look for at the 100% rye level and the other flavors that cascade in complement that spice in a very pleasant way.

The TNF game ain’t half bad either !!

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I attended court today, but my testimony was unneeded. I had lunch at a nice Irish spot, and am now home having a pour on my front porch. I really liked these CR16s if I see a shelf straggler or two I'll probably pick them up.


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6 hours ago, Mattk said:

I attended court today, but my testimony was unneeded. I had lunch at a nice Irish spot, and am now home having a pour on my front porch. I really liked these CR16s if I see a shelf straggler or two I'll probably pick them up.



I like that one too 👍

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I had Bowman single barrel bourbon earlier this evening, but now it's time for a fRYEday pour while watching the college football games (flipping back and forth between Oregon-Mich State and TCU-Houston).


I chose WT Cornerstone rye.  It's very nice.

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Followed up the Cornerstone with Rare Breed rye.  The Cornerstone is excellent obviously, but I just the love the freshness of the WTRBR.  It just has a zesty spice that is addictive and keeps you wanting to go back for another sip.  Thanks, I don't mind if I do. 😀

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Sipping on Rittenhouse PS.  I have been going to this one regularly since I opened it. I Hits all of the notes for me. 

Happy FRyeDay. 


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4 hours ago, Anwalt said:

I really, really like this one.




Nice pour.  ...And a lot of red highlighting in the glass for a rye.   Nice background composition, too!

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Finished off my Cornerstone bottle last weekend.  No worries; I think I have 2 more in the bunker.  Good stuff.



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 A pour or two or three of a newly purchased WTR101.  It was a long week at work but I ended up on a roll.  I even got some tasks scheduled for next week completed.


I am such a f...king overachiever. 😀  My boss rolled out 15 minutes early.  I rolled out 14 minutes early.  😮

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