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Bourbon in the Movies


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Yes, spoken to Dorothy Malone as proprietress of the Acme Bookstore.

At least I got the Bogart part right.

Then the rain came and they had a little afternoon delight. "See you later, pal"

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Thanks to the magic of BD I was able to make out a bottle of Early Times on the bar behind David Warbeck's character when he takes a phone call at the bar/restaurant in The Beyond. I've seen this movie many times and never noticed this until seeing it on BD.

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  • 2 weeks later...

In the new show "Traffic Light" (NBC?) last week.... now this is odd on two accounts:

They are at a BBQ and the host has invited his boss to ask for a raise. His buddy picks up a bottle of Blanton's and says

(reading the bottle out loud) Small Batch bourbon! You're really bringing out the good stuff!

Then a clear shot of Blanton's but a large light wood stopper is in it, and not the well known horse & jockey.

Don't know why the cork/stopper is different, or why they say Small Batch instead of Single Barrel. I mean, they want as far as pretending to read the bottle, why not read what it says?

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...or why they say Small Batch instead of Single Barrel. I mean, they want as far as pretending to read the bottle, why not read what it says?

My guess is that they figure, for them not in the know about such things, that "small batch" sounds more impressive. Might have been the case for the script writer, who extrapolated to the viewing audience.

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Justified- season 2 episode 5: When the character's father is being short, his wife says "He's been with Wild Turkey on the way up, so he's in a sulk."

Later on another couple is seen drinking Wild Turkey. First season had mostly Jim Beam. Season 2 seems to be focusing on Blanton's/Wild Turkey.

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Holywood's about style, the actor was going to speak his lines no matter what was on the label.

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In the new show "Traffic Light" (NBC?) last week.... now this is odd on two accounts:

They are at a BBQ and the host has invited his boss to ask for a raise. His buddy picks up a bottle of Blanton's and says

(reading the bottle out loud) Small Batch bourbon! You're really bringing out the good stuff!

Then a clear shot of Blanton's but a large light wood stopper is in it, and not the well known horse & jockey.

I also saw that episode (it's on Fox). If I'm not mistaken, it looked like they had put a WTKS stopper in the Blanton's bottle. Thought it was kind of odd.

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Watching a remake of the file "Das Experiment" (watch the original in German, I believe with subtitles) filmed in my home town a few years back with Forrest Whitaker, Adrien Brody and a pretty decent supporting cast.

The film was not as good as the original, they strayed too far from the original story, but there was a whole lot of MM being consumed as the "guards" became more and more violent.

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  • 2 weeks later...

In the movie The Working Girls there is a scene where Jill is re-stocking the bar at the strip club and we can see a bottle of Early Times on the bar and a bottle of Old Forester (BIB, I believe...) in the cabinet behind it.

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Marcie Elliott keeps a little bottle of Jim Beam White in her desk which she pours herself a drink (neat) from after finding the body of Lyle Barker in Basket Case 2.

In Superchick there is only one bottle of liquor on the stewardess' cart, Wild Turkey, and shortly after we see it 2 people order some although not by name. A few full bottles can be seen in other scenes on the plane as well.

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Watched a silly movie with Seinfeld's Kramer, Michael Richards, this past weekend, called "Trial and Error." Also starred Jeff Daniels. At one point Richards hands Daniels a bottle, which Daniels swigs and asks, what's in this? Richards replies "bourbon and Dr. Pepper"... but the label clearly says Gentleman Jack. I guess someone needs to explain to the script writer the difference between Tennessee whiskey and bourbon!

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Funny how I don't see any bottles for a while and then like every other movie I watch has one, this time it was in Piñata: Survival Island. In the background of one of the scenes at the camp site, shortly after the killing starts, we can see a case that has a bottle of Wild Turkey, Johnny Walker Red, and some other unidentifiable bottle. Not sure which WT it is but it appears to be an older bottle.

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In the movie Hereafter, Matt Damon plays a gifted psychic that speaks with the dead. There is a scene where he is cooking with a young lady, and clearly on the top shelf on the back wall....Wild Turkey Rare Breed! Unmistakable, and it also had the Rare Breed Society tag still on the bottle.

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I don't know if TV counts on this string, but I regularly see Woodford Reserve as Charlie Harper's regular pours in Two and a Half Men.

I also watch Justified on FX and have seen Blanton's and WT101 in the last two episodes.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Arthur seems like one big long advert for Makers Mark, i don't think i've seen such impressive product placement! There is also an empty bottle of blantons in one shot.

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The 80's SOV horror classic Sledgehammer features a bottle of Old Crow in several shots.

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I could have sworn I saw a bottle of Evan Williams SB on the latest episode of Rules of engagement. Jeff poured himself a drink from it.

I was going to check it out in high def out at my parents house but they had erased it already.

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A few nights ago on Craig Ferguson, Betty White was a guest, pretending to drink straight from a bottle of Wild Turkey.

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Patricia gives the shaman an offering of a bottle of Jim Beam White in Firewalker. Later in the movie there are also a couple of scenes where we see Max and Leo drinking from a small bottle of Jim Beam White. At the end of the movie a bottle of Old Taylor can be seen behind the bar.

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  • 2 months later...

The wife got me to go to the movies to see Crazy Stupid Love last night. Ryan Gossling's character, who drinks old fashioneds throughout the movie, also has a bottle of Pappy 20 on his bedside table. Peaked my interest.

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In Man Vs. Food Nation, Louisville Episode, Adam states bourbon can only be made in KY. You would think they would do a little research for a national TV show.

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Not a movie, but I was so startled I felt compelled to make my second visit today to SB.com.

Tonight's episode of the TV series, "Royal Pains", showed Hank and Evan drinking a brown liquid. One commented that Pappy Van Winkle Special Reserve is wonderful bourbon. (I'm not sure exactly what he said, because it didn't sound familiar, other than the PVW part.)

I wonder whether Julian or the good folks at Buffalo Trace had anything to do with that.

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Weston, a character in Julie Darling, drinks some OGD while he contemplates the murder he's being blackmailed into committing. I think there was JB White in the movie too but I can't remember where.

I forget his name but the real estate man in Deadly Daphne's Revenge polishes off a 375 of JB White he has stashed in his desk. After he drinks the whole bottle his wife shows up announcing she is divorcing him, which causes him to pull out another, take a swig, and shoot himself in the head after she leaves.

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Also- great show- AMC's Mad Men- literally, there's bourbon/rye in every episode, but its rarely a name brand (stoli, however, is often recited by name- wonder how much they had to pay for that).

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In Slaughter High there are a few scenes where some of the characters drink from an old, green labeled bottle of Wild Turkey.

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