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Bourbon in the Movies


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Forgot the name of the movie but the character played by Harry Dean Stanton sits down at the bar and says," gimme a shot of Jack".

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From It's a Mad, Mad, Mad, Mad World.
Jim Backus demands an Old Fashioned from Mickey Rooney as Buddy Hackett holds on for dear life...
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Forgot the name of the movie but the character played by Harry Dean Stanton sits down at the bar and says," gimme a shot of Jack".

Harry Dean, proud Kentuckian. :)

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I understand they use tea in those movie whisky bottles, wonder if the prop department gets to drink the real stuff.

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Watching Japan v Brasil in the World Baseball Classic. Game is in Fukuoka Japan. Concession stand shot shows various beers, sake, and Four Roses yellow label.

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In "The Master", there's a quick shot of Freddie grabbing random bottles of liquor to mix up his 'potion'. In a close-up, he grabs something I can't recall (probably a fictional brand?), but a bottle of Old Fitz can be seen right next to it.

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In the trailer for the Burt Wonderstone movie I think there's a scene where Steve Carrell is in the bath tub with a bottle of Blanton's in the corner of the screen.

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Tea is what we used in drama class in college too.

I did a taping for my friend's TV directing class my freshman year in college. He wrote a scene loosely based on a Bukowski short story that took place in a bar. It was basically me and my buddy sitting at a table drinking and complaining about women. Each take involved pounding a beer and taking three shots of Jack Daniels. We did three takes in a little more than an hour. No tea here, I guess the teacher was out that day...

I took the booze surprisingly well, but my scene partner woozily slurred his way through that last take and promptly lurched off stage to vomit. I was buzzed, but about 20 minutes after we wrapped, it hit me like a refrigerator and I was plastered. No vomit, I don't think, which just goes to show how welcoming my body is to booze! But 9 shots and 3 beers in an hour is generally not recommended...

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I hear you. I used tea for a long solo scene out of (IIRC) a Harold Pinter play. 15 minute monologue, part of which was spent on the phone, but drinking the whole time. Never inquired as to whether real booze would have been allowed - I didn't think I could remember my lines!

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This website (and this thread) has left a lasting impression on me. Every time I see a bottle of bourbon in a movie, I have to point it out to myself.

I'm watching Sling Blade right now. Doyle has his "band" over at the house and they are drinking and bsing. Doyle is loaded from drinking Double Eagle Kentucky Straight Bourbon whiskey. I tried finding some info online and found next to nothing. Can anyone share any info about this brand?

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The movies will occasionally make up a brand, I suppose to show potential investors how their brand of liquor can be showcased in the producer's next film.

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Speaking of Billy Bob --- he's constantly attacking bottles of OGD BIB in Bad Santa.

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In the Midsomer Murder series two little old ladies walk into a Pub and sit at the bar. One of them says, '"Barkeep! Two large whiskies!" then turning to her companion says "and what will you be having Dear?"

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The movies will occasionally make up a brand, I suppose to show potential investors how their brand of liquor can be showcased in the producer's next film.

I just thought of one more reason why Hollywood would make up a brand. It just dawned on me that no distillery would want to have their whiskey associated with the abhorrent behavior displayed by Doyle in Sling Blade.

I have to admit, the film did a good job on the label of that bottle. It's not like they try to shy away from it.

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Speaking of Billy Bob --- he's constantly attacking bottles of OGD BIB in Bad Santa.

That's one of the many things I love about that movie.

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In Snitch, Dwayne Johnson drinks Buffalo Trace a couple times at home and there was an empty Blanton's at work.

Give him a break, he had a stressful day.

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Productions make up labels all the time... I can't figure out how to downsize the image, but for Firefly/Serenity fans (TV and movie science fiction by Joss Whedon), there's the infamous Earth-that-Was distillery on the industrial planet Beaumonde, producing bourbon whiskey just like on the Planet Earth of legend...


Edited by Kalessin
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Plenty o' bourbon and branch served up at JR Ewing's memorial service on Dallas last night....

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Productions make up labels all the time... I can't figure out how to downsize the image, but for Firefly/Serenity fans (TV and movie science fiction by Joss Whedon), there's the infamous Earth-that-Was distillery on the industrial planet Beaumonde, producing bourbon whiskey just like on the Planet Earth of legend...


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Kind of random and a very brief cameo but I'm pretty sure I saw a bottle of ancient age 6yo getting blown to bits in the Schwarzenegger movie Raw Deal.

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Last night's episode of "Justified" Raylan poured Johnny a round of Woodford Reserve at the prostitute's little trailer.

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The choice of ladies of the evening everywhere.
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