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Bourbon in the Movies


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There's a convenience store scene in the movie Stretch featuring a stack of BT next to the counter.

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I'm sure Justified has been mentioned a bunch but was watching the other night and Boyd announces to his bartender - Foooor fangers of Elmer T! His usual.

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I'm sure Justified has been mentioned a bunch but was watching the other night and Boyd announces to his bartender - Foooor fangers of Elmer T! His usual.

Looking forward to Justified returning next week. Sorry to know this is the last season... OH and I'm down with the ETL as well.

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Looking forward to Justified as well. Past seasons have featured Blantons, PVW, AAA, and ETL.

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Blantons tonight on Justified. I love this show

Awesome episode. Brought Art some high class bourbon. Actor that plays Dewey is top notch. We'll see what bourbon shows up next week. The show is now sponsored by Makers 46.

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Raylan also talked about why he likes bourbon, over tequila, in the bar in Mexico.

If I recall correctly, Art ususally has Blantons in his desk as well.

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Never really developed a taste for tequila. Kinda’ hard to understand how they’d make a drink out of something like that. It’s sharp. Inhospitable. Same reason I never understood the fascination with the artichoke.

Bourbon is easy to understand. Tastes like a warm summer day.

Raylan Givens

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Tequila is proof you can make whisky out of darn near anything but just because you can doesn't mean you should.

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Never really developed a taste for tequila. Kinda’ hard to understand how they’d make a drink out of something like that. It’s sharp. Inhospitable. Same reason I never understood the fascination with the artichoke.

Bourbon is easy to understand. Tastes like a warm summer day.

Raylan Givens

Classic Raylan. I agree with that assessment.

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Tequila is proof you can make whisky out of darn near anything but just because you can doesn't mean you should.

Classic Squire and I agree with his assessment.

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Tequila is proof you can make whisky out of darn near anything but just because you can doesn't mean you should.
Classic Squire and I agree with his assessment.

Indeed it is (except it should be alcoholic spirits or booze rather than whisky, as tequila is not and never has been "whisky") but I wholeheartedly disagree with that assessment!

You simply don't know until you try so I am all for making booze out of most anything you can come up with until you have proven through extensive taste testing that it just won't work. How else do you figure out if you can make booze from rancid mare's milk??? :cool:

And I plan on continuing to do my part to do the necessary extensive testing!

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I fully support your dedication my friend and in the spirit of cooperation you are welcome to my share of all that other stuff.

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Tequila was my least favorite spirit for a long time, always just associated it with the brand with the little red hat top, and salt and lemon. I was wrong though, a good Anejo makes for a very nice spirit indeed. I love it as a Gin substitute in a Negroni

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I happen to love artichokes, and while I'm no friend to tequila, I have absolutely fallen in love with mezcal over the last 6 months. (For the uninitiated, tequila is made from only the blue agave, mezcal is made from any agave; tequila is a kind of mezcal.) Anyway, big fan of Justified too.

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I happen to love artichokes, and while I'm no friend to tequila, I have absolutely fallen in love with mezcal over the last 6 months. (For the uninitiated, tequila is made from only the blue agave, mezcal is made from any agave; tequila is a kind of mezcal.) Anyway, big fan of Justified too.
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Tequila and I have made a bargain. I don't drink it. It doesn't make me wake up shirtless in the rain laying on someone's lawn again.

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Not a movie but a great YouTube clip.

Can anyone recognize the bottle being passed at about 3:01?

Muddy Waters at the Checkerboard Lounge. Wish I could have been there.


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I was just watching the new episode of The Simpsons and a bottle of "Sad Grand-dad" was featured in it. The typeface slightly mimicked the OGD label

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I actually saw this way upthread before seeing the movie, but good eye, whoever it was that noticed the period-correct Ancient Ancient Age in Birdman.

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