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What bourbon are you enjoying (spring 2017)

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Was at a "Bourbon Geek" friends house Sunday night and we ended up doing some tastings.  Had 1) Pikesville Rye; 2) Angels Envy Rye; 3) Old Forester Birthday Bourbon; 4) Elmer T. Lee; 5) Woodford Reserve Rye; 6) Booker's Batch 2016-05.  Enjoyed all of them except the WR Rye.  Very flat taste without much spice.  That's one I certainly won't be getting.  Really enjoyed my first taste of ETL.  Now if I can only find a bottle.

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Have really been enjoying Michter's Barrel Strength Rye. Found two more bottles at Retail thanks to a local bourbon buddy who had put eyes on them earlier in the month. 

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Maker's Cask Strength is bringing the Wow Factor, tonight.  Really chewy and tons of Goetze's Bull's Eyes Caramel Cream notes.  

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4 hours ago, smokinjoe said:

Maker's Cask Strength is bringing the Wow Factor, tonight.  Really chewy and tons of Goetze's Bull's Eyes Caramel Cream notes.  

It's been a while since we've seen the Goetze's reference. I don't know what these are, but I really want to try them/it based on your notes.


I'm having a "sensitive to oak" palate night. I suspected something was up when ETL brought some oak forward notes (which I've never gotten from ETL before). It was very interesting to taste this in ETL. Followed with RR10yr which tasted like something in the 15-17 yr range. Weird. Now into some Bourbon Crusaders Barrel Bourbon 8yr MGP sourced. Wanted to see what it tastes like on an oak sensitive night. It improves it!

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I went to my regular haunt to pick up a bottle of Old Weller Antique 107. Alas, they were all out. I was ready to leave, but my wife talked me into trying something new. I picked up a bottle of Elijah Craig Small Batch. I enjoyed it. Nice and mellow, but with some nice flavors. It is somewhat different than what I have open right now (Old Grand Dad BIB, Buffalo Trace, Knob Creek, and Rowan's Creek), so I have some variety/comparison.

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Last evening, some Blanton's Gold that I picked up from duty free a couple of months ago.  It has been open for a few weeks, and is opening up nicely.  It is definitely an interesting bourbon, as it has the backbone of Blanton's, but has more kick and spice than regular Blanton's, and not just due to the extra proof.  It is a very different profile.  Glad to have this in the arsenal, but it is not one that people need to go crazy trying to acquire (IMHO).  I will be revisiting the SFTB that I recently picked up as well (that is a little more special in my opinion). 

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9 hours ago, graftonbc1 said:

I went to my regular haunt to pick up a bottle of Old Weller Antique 107. Alas, they were all out. I was ready to leave, but my wife talked me into trying something new. I picked up a bottle of Elijah Craig Small Batch. I enjoyed it. Nice and mellow, but with some nice flavors. It is somewhat different than what I have open right now (Old Grand Dad BIB, Buffalo Trace, Knob Creek, and Rowan's Creek), so I have some variety/comparison.


EC Small Batch is one of my go to pours.  Agree that is it a very flavorful pour.  I'll always have some around.

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Still plugging away on this bottle, but it's great and I don't know what's taking so long to do so. Cheers all! 


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29 minutes ago, beasled said:

Still plugging away on this bottle, but it's great and I don't know what's taking so long to do so. Cheers all! 


I know why, too many opened bottles!

It's a great bottle, solid. 

Had a sample of some WFE 11yo Single barel, pretty solid at 120 proof. 






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7 minutes ago, Masset1982 said:


I know why, too many opened bottles!


Damn it, I think you might be right. I need to work on that...



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9 minutes ago, beasled said:


Damn it, I think you might be right. I need to work on that...



you're just curious that all! 

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10 minutes ago, Masset1982 said:

you're just curious that all! 


Certainly am. Best way to be!



Have moved onto some Old Rip 10 year. Also been open a while, but tasting mighty good..

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SAOS SB 10 yo last night and SAOS TEN tonight. I really enjoy both of these. 

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Time to celebrate the bottom to mid shelf. Does anyone know when they bumped the entry proof on Wild Turkey? OGD is winning tonight.


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54 minutes ago, HoustonNit said:

Time to celebrate the bottom to mid shelf. Does anyone know when they bumped the entry proof on Wild Turkey? OGD is winning tonight.


Entry proof on WT changed in 2004, so assuming 101 is around 6 years old then 2010 bottles or later are more than likely post change.

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Having a pour of WT101 to start the night.  Four Roses Single Barrel Private Selection OBSV 9 years 7 months.

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Had small amounts of WTRB and HMcK10 left in their respective bottles so just combined them into a single vatted pour. I need to get replacements for each of these this weekend.

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18 minutes ago, dcbt said:

Had small amounts of WTRB and HMcK10 left in their respective bottles so just combined them into a single vatted pour. I need to get replacements for each of these this weekend.


How did the vatting turn out?

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3 minutes ago, Jazz Nut said:


How did the vatting turn out?

It's really nice. Starts sweet and ends with a little tingly bite.

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Entry proof on WT changed in 2004, so assuming 101 is around 6 years old then 2010 bottles or later are more than likely post change.

Ok thanks I want to say my guess on this bottle was 2006.
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1792 small batch is really hitting the spot on this warm Chicago night.

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38 minutes ago, Paddy said:

ER10, firing on all cylinders tonight.

As usual, you point out whiskeys that I've overlooked for no good reason. Haven't had ER10 in a long while. Time to open one (and will tomorrow, but that's another story I'll tell this weekend).


Tonight, I'm starting with a Dep's Fine Wine and Spirits RRSiB selection. I'll follow with another one (from a different barrel). Grab bag for the third pour.

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