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What rye are you drinking/ purchased 2023

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Woodinville CS rye, these are pretty rare around these parts (standard is everywhere but CS, no) and I was curious to try it, its a nice rye and glad to have it in the rotation.

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So I popped into one of my favorite stores today to browse. Found myself the pinhook 7 year. And was offered the JD by the owner. So a pop in turned into a multi bottle purchase.


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An overcast and slightly chilly afternoon.  It feels more like Fall than late Spring.  Some rye seems fitting and THH  is on the bar (and in the glass).  Cheers!

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Having some Rittenhouse tonight.  After being on a kick with the deceptively mild Legent Bourbon, the bold rye was a bit of a shock to my taste buds.  It took a couple sips.  Now it tastes great, everything back to normal.

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Old Overholt 114 on a clear cube to finish up.  


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I sure would like to find one of those on a shelf.  I'm not sure they ever made it to Indiana.  The bonded version was nice.

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16 hours ago, PaulO said:

I sure would like to find one of those on a shelf.  I'm not sure they ever made it to Indiana.  The bonded version was nice.

The 114 is pretty well the bonded turned up a bit. The 11 year was amazing. Ive heard rumors of a 10 year barrel proof coning soon. Thats the one I'm really looking forward to. The 114 while good becomes a bit musty to me on the finish, which doesn't balance with the heat of the pour. I could see it over a cube though.

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Today is my 10th anniversary. Hard day at work, ballet rehearsal for my daughter and making a nice dinner have me running circles today. But I found a few moments here for a 10 year and my favorite glass.


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Happy Anniversary @Mattk

Bourbon and cigar group tonight. Only three of us could make it. I again brought Fleischman’s Rye to share. 😋


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23 hours ago, PaulO said:

I sure would like to find one of those on a shelf.  I'm not sure they ever made it to Indiana.  The bonded version was nice.


I have seen a shelf tag at Meijer forever but no bottles.  I would love to find any version of  Old Overholt on the shelf. 

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6 hours ago, Mattk said:

Today is my 10th anniversary. Hard day at work, ballet rehearsal for my daughter and making a nice dinner have me running circles today. But I found a few moments here for a 10 year and my favorite glass.



When the bottle and glass are at equilibrium, the rule of thumb is that the bottles needs to be emptied. 😀


Happy anniversary!

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Finally opened the bottle I bought in April down in B'town.   Bardstown Bourbon Company Origin Series 6-year Straight Rye (95% rye/5% malted barley).    I did not disappoint!   This is absolutely the easiest drinking 90+ proof straight rye I've ever tried.   Not a bit sorry I brought this one home!     Lovely nose, obvious rye characteristics, and nice spicy finish (a tasty ginger snap)!

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A small splash of Jack Daniels toasted oak rye from the 375 tonight. It's pretty much the most banana bread in a glass ive ever come across. Normally its as far from my go to pour as I own, but tonight it called my name.

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Sunday turned out to be Ryeday.  I had a small dram of KC 7, then compared it to Pikesville. The KC was good, but not spectacular.  I can see this holding its own in a cocktail, especially something that has a different ingredient that provides sweetness (old fashioned, Sazerac).  One very noticeable characteristic to me was a lack of anything on the nose. Maybe because I nosed the Pikesville first, which seems to me to emit a rather bold indication of the flavors present, the KC was left wanting by comparison. Perhaps the ten point difference in proof was all it took.  FWIW, I am not very experienced in the rye category and suffer from seasonal allergies, but this difference was significant.  

Anyway, just for kicks I finished with a few ounces of Roulette. Absolute dill bomb. I love it.  Such a night and day difference.  Okay, I'm done now. Tomorrow's Monday. 

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My new regular sippin’ rye (well, for the last year or so) has been Driftless Glen.  Amazingly tasty for a relatively young whiskey.  But recently I was more excited about getting a couple handles of Fleischmann’s at the Piggly Wiggly in Plymouth, WI. I wasn’t sure if it was available anymore but as of this spring it was still there in that corner of Wisconsin.

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21 hours ago, chasking said:

My new regular sippin’ rye (well, for the last year or so) has been Driftless Glen.  Amazingly tasty for a relatively young whiskey.  But recently I was more excited about getting a couple handles of Fleischmann’s at the Piggly Wiggly in Plymouth, WI. I wasn’t sure if it was available anymore but as of this spring it was still there in that corner of Wisconsin.


I got stopped in your post at Piggly Wiggly.  I haven't been to a Piggly Wiggly in years.  They closed in Indy in the 1970s.  

Edited by mbroo5880i
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On 6/8/2023 at 8:56 PM, mbroo5880i said:


I got stopped in your post at Piggly Wiggly.  I haven't been to a Piggly Wiggly in years.  They closed in Indy in the 1970s.  

They are still all over Wisconsin.  Fleischmann’s Rye, which is a Barton product, is only sold in part of Wisconsin—I’ve only ever seen it I sort of east central Wisconsin, generally around Green Bay.  I’ve bought it in Sturgeon Bay and Plymouth, both places from the Piggly Wiggly booze aisle.

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19 minutes ago, chasking said:

They are still all over Wisconsin.  Fleischmann’s Rye, which is a Barton product, is only sold in part of Wisconsin—I’ve only ever seen it I sort of east central Wisconsin, generally around Green Bay.  I’ve bought it in Sturgeon Bay and Plymouth, both places from the Piggly Wiggly booze aisle.

Hi Charles.  Great to see you back here!  Have they gone back to making the Fleischmann’s a straight rye? Or, is it the rye mash?

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Sort of on topic. I bought this today cruising around the maryland. Countryside.


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8 hours ago, chasking said:


from the Piggly Wiggly booze aisle.


This quote stopped me in my tracks!


Piggy Wiggly booze aisle?  This is all wrong yet so incredibly awesome.😁


I too, have good memories of Piggly Wiggly, my mom shopped there when I was a kid.



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On 3/31/2023 at 5:02 PM, smokinjoe said:

Picked up the Daniel’s Single Barrel Rye today.  Sipping it now and it really is a palate opener.  Very grassy, with pleasing notes of fresh cut hay.  Gives it a nice and fresh brightness.  Wonderful stuff.  Underneath though, buried under the brightness is a smoldering “from the kitchen spice rack” spice note that I can’t put my finger on, just yet.  It wafts in just past mid palate and lingers on towards the finish.  This note really gives the pour some depth and heartiness that balances out and polishes up the brightness.  A very well done whiskey, that I find extremely enjoyable.  Really looking forward to exploring this bottle more.  I anticipate eventually identifying that smoldering spice note. While the grassy notes are the eye catcher here, that underlying spice note pulls this rye together so well for me.  


I’m over half way through this bottle and am continuing to totally dig the grassy notes and mystery smoldering spice note. I haven’t ID’d it yet, but the pursuit makes the sipping of this whiskey even better!  It’s chewy, definitely.  But, I just can’t nail it.  Regardless of my consternation, I really like this rye, and will definitely replace when empty.  

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